Meeting Their Fates

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Back stories are over. Now time for the interesting parts of the story! Hope you enjoy! The Devil's Description will be kind of confusing, but it will be explained in a later chapter.


Camille and Amber got in line to wait for their eternal fates to be decided. It was a really uncomfortable setting. Their bodies were a weird temperature, half hot, half cold. It was like they were sick with the flu. The line was insanely long. Amber asked a man in front of them how long they would have to wait in line. The man made a gruff noise. "Yeah, right kid. No one knows." he eyed them up. "You're too young to be here."

"Where are we?" Camille asked.

"Hell."Both girls rolled their eyes.

"Where are we really?" A man walked up to them, he was cute in Amber's eyes. But in Camille's he was a terrifying old man. She saw Amber check him out. Amber nudged her. Camille just made a face.

"He isn't lying, my dear." The man said, bowing and kissing Amber's hand. Amber blushed, but Camille gagged. The old bag shot Camille an odd look that made her feel even more uncomfortable than she already was."Camille Jager." He reached his hand out politely, she looked to the left, ignoring his request. No way, dude. She thought.

Amber didn't understand why Camille was being so rude. The boy was sexy. "Well, ladies, shall we quicken the wait up?" Both girls looked at him with blank and confused stares. I can take care of you now." Both girls followed him. Camille didn't want to. She didn't know why she was following. She didn't trust that creep. Amber, on the other hand,was right on his heels, happily following him and practically drooling.

I took them into my "Office" and looked straight at Camille. "You know who I am, but do you have any questions for me?"

"Why are we here?" Both girls asked. Amber said it like she was actually uncertain and still clueless to where she actually was. Camille knew exactly where they were, but didn't know why. She wanted answers. A TV dropped from the sky. I say sky, because, well. There was no ceiling. Both girls watched their deaths again. Amber clutched Camille's arm in fear.

"Cammy..."This wasn't a bad dream. They weren't in a coma either. Amber watched in horror as they were covered with blankets, put into the ambulance and taken for autopsy. Amber had no idea she was really dead until right this second. Camille nodded. Amber looked at me. "Where are we? Are you God?" He gave a sly smile and shook his head.

"You're thinking of the wrong Being and the wrong place.: Her eyes widened in shock and realization. Her mouth formed an O. I smiled and nodded. "Now." I said, clapping my hands together once. "I see potential in one of you. You two along with three others are going to prove your worth to me. You're going to prove you belong here." Camille crossed her arms over her chest, stubbornly.

"And if we don't?" I clicked my tongue.

"God gave upon you. Otherwise you wouldn't be here." Camille didn't say a thing after that. "I'm going to give you each a small task. A small list of tasks I need you to fulfill." I gave them a detailed description of what they were to do.

Their tasks were to cause other people's misfortunes. It could be anything. Bankruptcy, foreclosures, sickness. Minor things. The thing was, neither one could get revenge on those who have wronged them. It was considered mixing business with pleasure. I looked at Amber. She died with hate and unforgiveness in her soul, which is why she was here."That's going to be difficult for you, won't it?"

The two girls entered the room where Clarence, Clairece and Stef waited. "Claire?"Amber recognized her. Clairece looked up.

"Amber." I smiled. Amber really did have so much potential. She was already working well with the others. I smiled while watching Camille and Clarence watch them. They were used to being the top dogs. But that didn't matter here. Those who were stepped on in life would be above these egomaniacs very soon. Funny how life and death differ so.

I entered the place they were in. Purple envelopes with their assignments in them. Clariece and Stef looked unsure and scared. Camille and Clarence looked like they were going to try to rebel against me. As if they could. I'll have my Demons watching their every moves after this. Amber's eyes lit up as they always did when she saw me. I passed each of them an envelope saying nothing as they received and opened their assignments.

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