Part 4.

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Yn" I heard Milian said so I had just finish cleaning my area then I turned around to see Milian and........Odell!?!?! I froze and that's when my heart literally fell to my ass.


I was just stuck there not saying a word or moving one bit until Milian said something.

"Babe give Yn the money" Milian said

"Oh right" Odell saud pulling his wallet out his pocket giving me a $100 bill.

"Keep the change" Odell said. He kept looking at me not saying anything. And me not saying anything.

"Baby can we go? Im hungry" Milian said

"Yea baby im coming" he said looking at me then walked off.


I was riding round town when i had got a call from my girl telling me that she was done with her hair. So I went to the salon that i had dropped her off earlier. As i got there i had parked my car and turned off the car and got out and went inside and when I got in i heard gasps and mumbling but then i spotted my baby right there sitting looking real good.

"Baby there you are" Milian said as she got up and kissed me.

"Wassup baby you look good i like your hair" I said as i touched her hair.

"Thank you baby all thanks to this to my hairstylist which there she is over there." she said as she walked off towards this girl and boy may i say her body was looking good from the back and so i decided to follow Milian.

"Yn!" Milian said.

Yn? I haven't heard that name in a minute but nah it couldn't be my Yn....could it? Nahhhh. Thats when the girl turned around and boom there goes my Yn the one i haven't seen or talk to in like 5 years and last time i talked to her she told me she was.......pregnant. Oh damn.

"Baby can we go? Im hungry" Milian interrupted as i looked at Yn

"Yea lets go" I looked at Yn one last tine then walked away.

Secret Kept Away •Odell Beckham Jr.•Where stories live. Discover now