Part 6.

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Yn. Later on that night.

Me & Eva had just took a shower and now were at the table with our Mickey Mouse pajamas on eating cookies and milk and talking.

"Mommy?" She said eating her cookie.

"Yes baby girl."

"Today in school me and her friend were talking and i saw her bow and it was pretty." She said as i stared at her and smiled knowing my baby girl she loves her some bows in every color or style she in love with bows.

"Mhm continue."

"And i asked her where she got from it was very cute and she tooked it off and showed me and said that her daddy got it for her." She explained as I stopped eating my cookie and looked at her.

"Mommy do I have a daddy?" She said and I sighed abd thought oh god.

"Well baby of course you do. Everyone does" I looked at her

"Then where is he?" She looked at me

"Its complicated Nieva.......people go on a trips and some people go on trips for a really long while." I explained

"So he left us here? What about me? Does he know me? Why didn't we go with him?"

"Nieva!......." I sighed and breath out heavy. "Eva baby look its just some places you gotta go by yourself and yes he knew about you."

"Is he coming back? Does he even love me? Why doesn't he call for me?" She said about to cry and i got up and picked her up.

"Listen Nieva i love you okay, everyone loves you. How bout you sleep with me tonight okay and we'll have fun tomorrow just me and you." I said as she cried and tears dropped from my eyes and she nodded and we went upstairs to my room and laid down and went to sleep.

°(Sorry they so short)

°(Feel free to correct my mistakes)

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