Part 15.

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"Yea we are then after we eat we will leave" I said

"Wait are we gonna tell little missy?" He said

" Uhhh yea we are " I said as I got her and walked back to our table.

We had just got finish eating our food and we were just sitting here talking and laughing because Odell was over here tryna impress Nieva. I was only laughing because my baby has the most funniest/ over dramatic laugh ever. We sat silent for a while and i looked at Odell indicating that it was about that time to tell her about him.

"Nieva baby, me and Odell got something we gotta tell you" I said.

"Oooo you and Odell go out!" She said with excitement smiling and Odell laughed and looked at us.

"What... no baby, actually we have exciting news to tell you, something you've wanted to know for a while now" I said and she looked at me with a confused face.

"What is it?" She said

"Well you know how you've been asking about your dad?" I said looking at Odell.

"Yea is he here! Did my daddy come back?!" She said looking at me smiling.

"Well he's actually..." I got cut off by a hyped up girls that came to our table.


"Sure" Odell said getting out the booth we were in to go take the picture with the teenage girl.

"Why these people keep taking Odell from us ? We had him first." Nieva said pouting and i just looked at her and chuckled.

"Nieva it's ok, Odell is a busy man and a lot of people know him baby." I said to her

"Ok soooo just because he was on the tv one time mommy? Remember the one with the deodorant? That's not something to be happy for....that mean he stinks and that's not good." She said touching up her bow as we watched Odell take pictures with the girl. I laughed

"Nieva he does other things too, he's not just the deodorant guy." I said as Odell came back to us.

"What's so funny over here?" He said sitting down.

"Because your the deodorant guy and you stink." Nieva said plainly and Odell laughed.

"You know i actually don't stink right Nieva, i just get paid for those." He said

"Ohhhhh mommy you gonna tell me about my daddy now where is he?" She said

"Can we go somewhere else and do this cause it's starting to get overpopulated in here and i don't need anyone in our business." He said

"Great idea" I said as Odell payed the tab and we got up. "Oh i could've handled that Odell."

"No need as long as I'm around you don't need to pull out ya wallet" He said smiling.

"If you say so" I said

"Mommy the word is thank you not if you say so he's being nice" Nieva said

"Oh I'm sorry, thank you Odell" i said with a smile

"No problem Yn" He laughed. "But we could go back to your house and talk this out with her." He added

"Yea that's good I'll meet you at my house." I said

"Yea considering I'll be right behind you." He smiles.

"Right" I said.

As we walked out we saw cameras and people everywhere and they just started screaming and recording and taking pictures and i just rushed to my car and put Nieva in and got in and Odell got in my car also and people started to get in front of my car taking pictures and recording.

"Mommy! Say cheese we famous like Odell!" She said looking outside through the window excited.

"Yea not really" I said looking at Odell.

"Bad idea to come here?" He said

"Yea kind of" I said looking around, thank god my windows are tinted dark enough that you can't really see inside.

"So we mind as well tell her here cause we can't really move without them following us and I'm not tryna leave my car here." He said

"Uhhh yea i guess so" I looked at Nieva through my rear view mirror and she was still looking outside waving as if they could see us.

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•Update coming real soon

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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