Guzzle, Guzzle, the Blood is Boiling

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Unknown P.O.V

It's been a while. Adam's not sick anymore. But it's time we know each other. Oh my name? I'm something everyone cries over. Everyone comes face to face with me. Because the wickedness in you is the wickedness in me. Can you guess who I am? Yes? No? 


Adam's P.O.V

   I sighed in frustration as I leaned against the wall. Ross was doing the Smoothie Challenge with John and Max. I listened closely, just in case. I haven't been in a good mood. At. All. Something in my mind echoed. A voice.

The sun goes down,

That's when you'd get started

You've got one mission

That's to kill target

Are you the kind who can fight off all the morons?

Or are you just another human who will just sleep it off?

   The stupid voice echoed in my head some more. I growled and punched the wall.


   Ross ran out of the room and looked at me. I had my hands over my ears, gripping my hair as my eyes were squeezed shut. My breaths were shaky. I collapsed onto my knees.

"The sun goes down, that's when they get started. They've got one mission and that's to kill the target. I just heard somethin' - I guess I should start runnin'. But what's the point if you've got no place to go?!"

Ross's P.O.V

   I grasped Adam's shoulders and shook him.

"Adam, Adam! I'm here, it's okay! I promise! I..I swear.."

   He looked at me and I put my hands over his. I brought them away from his ears. I smiled halfway nervously. I pulled him into an embrace and didn't let go. I knew it was nearing Halloween, but I still cared for Adam.

   I felt surprised when he pushed me away. His hands wandered up my body, and stopped at my cheeks. As if he were seeing if I were real. Adam started to chuckle with tears pricking from his eyes. I smiled and chuckled with him. I hugged him tightly, and it felt like time stopped.

   I pulled away slightly and saw Max and John heading towards the door we were by. I detached myself from Adam's body and stood. I helped him up as well and wiped away his threatening tears.

   Once Max and John were here, I shoed them away. They left and went to go make disgusting smoothies. Adam and I were now standing in the hallway, alone.

   Adam had been about a foot and a half away from me. I turned to him and stared deeply into his eyes - in a loving manner. His hazel eyes locking onto my blue ones, I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

   Sure, we may have been in our relationship for almost two months now, but there's just something about him that makes me feel weak on the inside. Maybe it was his stare, maybe it was his height. His intimidating nature, or his constant slight good posture. I don't know.

It could be anything.

   I felt him grasp my hand, his mouth open ever so slightly. Adam pressed his lips to mine. Originally, I would have been a little shocked. Though, something a little different happened today. Of course, the move he made surprised me.

   I kissed back and felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip. Closing my eyes as my cheeks grew a darker red. I accepted and let my mouth open slightly for him, letting his tongue explore every inch of my mouth.

   As he claimed my mouth with his tongue, Adam pushed my back against a wall, pinning me to it. It wasn't forceful, though it was a dominant move. Seconds and minutes passed, we still didn't part from the kiss.

   I started to lose oxygen. But I'm guessing he did too. We parted and I panted for air. Not heavily, but I needed it. I looked over Adam's shoulder with a reddened face. Then I felt embarrassed.

   Max was standing right there, recording us. I covered my face, then I saw Adam turn around.

Max's P.O.V

   I smirked to myself. I recorded their little make-out session. But I knew I was in for it. I turned off the camera after saving the clip, seeing Adam turn around, I knew I was in big trouble.

   I panicked internally, worried of my consequences. I put my camera in my pocket and quickly looked up.

Adam was right there, in front of me.

   I felt a throbbing pain in my chest. Adam had punched me hard, and left me breathless. More breathless than Ross was after their kiss. I clenched my chest and gasped for air. Starting to feel lightheaded, I collapsed onto one knee as he kicked my shin.

   He started yelling at me.

"I thought I told you to leave me and Ross ALONE." 

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