11. He Asks You Out PUNK!!

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One Direction Punk: He asks you out.

Harry: Two day’s after the encounter with the dark eye’d boy, you decided to go jogging at a slightly earlier time. Other than eight you went at half seven. Just in case you saw Harry again. He wasn’t really someone you wanted to associate with. You were in university but on a break, a high society uni. A tattooed guy from a bad background is not what you’d want people to thing you are in to. Your blue gym shorts matched the blue tank top you had decided to wear. You finally got to the park. Rounding the corner you noticed there was no-one there, which made you smile to yourself. You stopped on one of the swings for a moment, to catch your breath and shuffle the songs on your phone once again. “Were you waiting for me?” A deep voice asked in an amused tone. You looked up to see Harry with a cheeky smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes and looked back to your phone. He sat down on the swing next to you making you feel uncomfortable as you were under his gaze the whole time. “Go out with me.” He stated. Your eyes widened as you turned to him. “Excuse me?” “Go out with me.” He repeated. “You think you can just come up to me and tell me to date you? You’re a Punk, dark guy. I’m a lighter pink girl. So no.” You stood up and walked away. Leaving him to sit on the swing alone, thinking of how to get you to say yes.

Louis: “(Y/N)! You have someone asking for you!” Jessie shouted. You were in the back room, sorting out the skirts. You started getting confused, who would ask for you? Maybe Jessie was just messing with you. But you stood up and walked out to the front of the store and over to the counter. “(Y/N).” A voice spoke. You looked at the guy in front of you. Louis. He looked different, the beanie on his head covered his brown hair and he wore a jumper so the tattoo’s on his arms didn’t show. “Louis.” You replied in the same tone he used. “I wanted to ask your lovely self a question.” He smiled sickly. You lent on the counter with your hands. He stood opposite you and mimicked your action. Your faces were inches apart, but you weren’t backing down. “What would you say to a date with a sexy lad.” He smirked. You raised an eyebrow at him. “Who is the guy?” You asked, sarcasm dripping from every letter. “Some guy called Louis Tomlinson..” He winked at you. “In that case.. no.” You turned to walk away. He grabs your wrist before you could get out of his reach. “Come on babe.. one date.” he insisted. You pulled out of his grip and took a few steps back. “I don’t date guys with beanies.” You lied. Running back to the back room in search of Jessie, and having a little ‘Chat’ with her.

Liam: "Come on (Y/N), it won’t be bad! Just come shopping with us!" Laila was dragging your arm out of your cozy apartment. You resisted at first, but finally gave in. "Fine," you sighed. She bundled you into her car and drove to town. The first shop she made you go in was Hollister, you loved the smell of the actual shop, plus you loved all of the clothes. But it was dark in there, you never understood why they kept it so dark but you loved the stuff either way. You had already picked up a patterned jumper, two pairs of high-wasted studded jeans and a bottle of the perfume. But the one you wanted most was on the top shelf and Laila was no-where to be seen. Remind you of anything? You tried to climb the shelf at first but then realized how stupid you’d look. So you stood there pouting at the bottle. Soon enough a large arm reached up and grabbed the bottle you wanted, the scent of the person smelled vaguely familiar. The man started laughing and you immediately recognized the person. "I thought i told you not to get any smaller?" Liam asked, passing you the bottle. You thanked him for the bottle and looked up at his amused face. "I didn’t, this shelf must’ve grown." You snarled. He chuckled at your sarcasm. "Funny and pretty? Wow. Would you date me?” He said in a joking tone. You barked a laugh. “No way..” You replied. “Why? Just date me once. Please.” He pouted, smirking through it. “(Y/N)! C-come on.. let’s leave.” Laila stuttered, looking at Liam once and freaking out, pulling you to the cash registers.

Zayn: You were going to a dog shelter today, you were going to pick up a dog that you’ve wanted for ages, but today was the only day you could pick it up. Your day job would allow you to bring the dog with you since little children love puppies. You entered the shelter, hearing loads of small squeaks and barks, making you smile. The receptionist pointed you to the puppies you were looking for and told you to wait for an assistant. You walked down the hallway past rooms of dogs, which you wanted to take home so badly. You got to one room full of border collie’s. One mother and five puppies. You stood by it and looked at the smallest one, it was also the only brown one there. It’s bark was more of a squeal and you’ve already fallen in love with him. “(Y/N)?” You heard a voice ask. You looked to your right to see a big Rottweiler on the lead of his tattooed owner, one you’ve met before. “Zayn?” You questioned. The rottweiler barked and scared the small puppies, you winced at it, rottweilers have always scared you. “You like dogs?” He asked, “Maybe.” You replied nonchalantly. “Well if i take you on a date can i find out?” He inquired. You scoffed, and looked away, just as the assistant came down the hall. “You want one of these?” He asked, “The small brown one,” You smiled back. You looked around, noticing that now Zayn was no-where to be seen.

Niall: Out at clubs were nothing you liked to do but if you were peer-pressured into it, you would. That’s why you were at one right now. You had lost your friends and you were now sitting at the bar waiting for the bar tender. “You want a drink?” Asked an obviously drunk guy who weezed his way next to you. “Erm.. no thanks.” You replied. “Come on darlin’ just one.” He whispered, nuzzling his nose onto your neck. You grimaced and pushed his head away. “I said no.” He grabbed your upper arm and spun you towards him forcefully. “Listen here bitch, you will say yes. and i will get laid tonight. Whether you like it or not.” You whimpered at his tone. Suddenly he was ripped off of you and twisted towards a blonde who you’ve met before. “She said no you bastard.” He growled before punching him in the face. He fell to the floor with a thud and started groaning. Niall stepped over him and stood next to you, smiling at your shocked expression. “Well… i suppose i better say thanks..for that.” You say, gesturing to the guy on the floor. He chuckled. “I want to protect people, especially you.” He winked. You blushed, even though you tried to stop it. “Maybe if you come on a date with me i could protect you more often?” He smirked, you rolled your eyes and turned back to the bar tender. “Fine, i get it. You don’t want to.. but i’ll change your mind.” He held his hands up in defense. “Sure you will.” “I will you know why? Because you got sexier, that’s exactly what i didn’t want you to do. I almost had to go to the bathroom and sort myself out.” He whispered in your ear, right before he left the club. Just like that.


Not mine xx

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