chapter 9 "love" the speach

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Jordans pov * * *

Half a year later**

I woke up today feeling okay I dance and sing a lot more bow and my angziaty is going okay I don't need my medication anymore and yes I had spoke to jc he came round we spoke were still close I just haven't spoke to Alex in a while he's upset about me leaving and not saying good bye he came by a couple days ago but it didn't change anything but now everything is just orkward but I met all of Camerons vine buddy's there all pretty sweet I do have my eye on 1 tho cam knows and likes to teas me about it every now and then but it's fine. But the one I'm into is jack j he's just so sweet, I mean we rearly talk but he's still sweet, good looking and he has really nice hair. And no I haven't spoke to kian or seen him I don't even watch his videos he is blocked on every social media and I burned everything that he gave to me or anything that reminded me of him so I'm cool and I'm living my life and I'm 18 now so I'm good with life I'm looking for an apartment somewhere and I think I've found one like down the street from here and I have a job now I teach a dance class which pays really well and I wait tables every Wednesday night 6:00-7:45 it's not bad and it pays cam back and pays for the rent and food.

So we're all sat out on cam patio with a bomb fire me all the boys and a couple of my girl friends which are the boys girlfriends. We're sitting laughing and everything but inside I'm still hurt and I don't know why it's like I'm smiling but all I wanna do is brake down and cry I'm just being strong for no reason I mean there's nobody that loves me and I loved someone but they hurt me and all I ever get is hurt so I just sat there for another hour quiet until jack g noticed that I looked a little down. "Hey jords you good yeah" he said punching my arm playfully, " totally I'm just gunna go use the bathroom quick" I said slowly getting up from my seat and walking inside to my room.

Cams pov * * *

I noticed jordan looking a bit down I git jack gs attention and told him to ask her if she was okay since he was sat right next to her and I didn't want to make a scene. He said something to her nodded and slowly got up and walked inside. I looked at jack as he looked at me and he had a concerned look on his face so I got up and went in to see I'd she was okay I could here little cries coming from her room. I knocked on the door and said " Hey jords it's cam you okay girly" "oh uh yeah I'm good 2 secs and I'll be put just taking some aspirin have a bit of a headache" she said back " are you sure I hurd u crying" "yes Cameron I'm fine now please can you leave me alone for a minuet" that was that I open her bedroom door to see her in the corner of her bed with her knees to her chest with tear stains down her cheek.......

Till next time

Love yall to bits❤

Jordan y xoxo😉💋

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