'I love you, too.'

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   *Jamie's POV*

   El found out about the audition yesterday. She and I are going shopping today to get me clothes to wear at the audition and she's making me get my nails painted for it. We had called Perrie and told her about it, she agreed to come shopping and to the audition.

   We were in the car to the mall when Niall called me.

"Hey babe, whats up?"

"Hey, Ni. Not much. I'm going shopping with the girls."

"Umm, shouldn't you be doing schoolwork?"

"Well...I took a while off." I really hope he can't hear how nervous I am for him to find out.

"Oh, okay then. Why are you going shopping anyways?"

Perrie took the phone from my hands, despite my protests.

"Sorry, Horan. Girls day. Jamie says bye and she misses you. She won't be getting her phone back until I know you won't call her later. Bye!" I could hear him laughing on the other end and Perrie just grinned, hanging up.

    'PER! I wanted to talk to him!"

    "Nope! Sorry guuurl."

     "Ugh! Fine!"


    We had been shopping for three hours and we picked me out a blue dress and black heels. I slipped a Batman T-Shirt into the check out when we were paying. The girls got mad, but I don't mind.

   We were now heading home to watch movies. The auditions are in two days now, and I need to pack tomorrow. Like I said, tomorrow. I'm to lazy to do that crap on time. El and Perrie were on their phones the entire time the Notebook was playing, probably texting their boyfriends. Hypocrites. I gave up and went on my lap top to go on Twitter. Niall and I hadn't gone public, but I still had a few more followers from the boys following me.

   We decided I was going to figure out an excuse to be leaving tomorrow and we were going to rent hotel rooms tomorrow night. I was thinking about telling mum, and the more I think about it, the more I want to. That's why I'm trying not to think about it. Mum would tell Louis, who would tell the other boys, who would all try to convince me it's not a good idea because I'm dating Niall and because Louis is my brother. To be honest, I don't care about the hate I might get. I am going to be judged on my singing, not on my family and relationships.


   "Bye mum, we'll see you when we get back." I hug my mum and my sisters. They all smile and wave from the doorway. I hate lying to them.

   "It'll be worth it when you get through, Jamie," Perrie reassures me, turning around to look at me. I smile and nod, knowing she's right.

   We're on our way to the hotel now. It's 7:00 at night right now. I didn't really want to leave to early, and I didn't have all of my stuff packed on time.

   My phone starts ringing. I look down and see the caller I.D.. 'Niall The Leprechaun! :D'. I quietly laughed as I answered the phone. The girls are talking in the front seat when I answer.

"Hey Ni!"

"Hey, James! Whats up?"

"Ugh! Stop calling me that! And also, you called me..."

"Oh yeah! Haha, anyways. Do you think we could Skype tonight? I have a few hours off. I can hear the girls now though, so I'm guessing they're either over at your place or you're in the car, so later, Skype?"

I sighed. I really wanted too but if we Skype, he'll see im not at y house and start getting worried.

"Ni, I don't think I can. We, umm...have a ladybug problem at the house and I have to help get rid of them." Wow, Jamie! Seriously?! A LADYBUG PROBLEM?!

"Okay, babe. Somethins up. What is it?"

"What? Nothing. Hey, Niall, I got to go. I love you, bye." I hung up. Perrie and Eleanor turned to look at me funny, their mouths hanging open.


   "You just said you love him..." Oh crap, I didn't mean to let that out.

*Niall's POV*

"What? Nothing. Hey, Niall, I got to go. I love you, bye."

    The line went dead and I stared at the phone. She loved me?! A grin broke out on my face as I thought about that. I picked up the phone again and dialed her number.

"Hello?! Niall!" Her frantic voice came out of the phone. I knew she was busy, so I did the one thing I thought was normal in this situation.

"I LOVE YOU, TOO!" and then I hung up, grinning like an idiot.

   Louis came sprinting into the room, the bunk room on the tour bus, and the others followed behind him.

   "Did I just hear you say, 'I love you too?'" Louis asked.

   "Umm....yes? Jamie called and I think it just slipped from her mouth, but oh well..."

   A grin broke out on Louis face as he looked at me. THen he turned around and fake cried on Harry's shoulder.

   "Our little Nialler has grown up!" He fake sobbed. I laughed with the rest of the boys. Suddenly Louis became serious. He turned back to me, holding onto my shoulders.

  "Did you mean it?!"

   I looked at him shocked. "Yes, Louis. I love her." I stated simply.

   "Hurt. Her. And. I. Will. Kill. You." WIth that, he walked out of the room.

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