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*Killian's POV *

I was brought straight to the prison a few towns over and put through registration. They gave me sweatpants and a tank top to change into, taking all my possessions except the necklace I always wore. It reminded me of Emma now, of how she wore it the day after our first date and how much better it looked on her.

After the paperwork was done they told me I could use the phone in my cell block if I fit into the others' schedule. Thankfully there was a two hour block open every Sunday so I quickly wrote my name in and picked up the phone. It rang a few times before she picked up.

"Hello?" She said, her voice so thick with tears I almost sobbed as I put my hand on my face. "Killian? Is that you?"

"Aye, love, it's me," I said quietly, trying to clear the cracking from my voice.

"Oh my god," she sobbed a bit. "Are you okay? It's been hours, I was getting worried."

"I'm fine," I assured her, hating that I couldn't comfort her the way she needed me to. "I got all registered and now I'm in my cell block. I promise, I'm fine, please don't cry."

"I'm not crying," she sniffled and I could tell she was wiping her face. "I'm fine, I just miss you already. We were supposed to have today together."

"I know, Swan, I miss you, too," I sighed. "But once I'm out we'll take a few days off spend even more time together. We'll do whatever you want, just you and me."

"That's my point," she said quietly. "All I want you here with me, I don't care about anything else."

"I know," I said guiltily. "I'm sorry, but my time is almost up so I've got to go."

"Oh," she barely whispered and I could hear the sobs getting caught in her throat. "Okay, uhm, I'll keep my phone on so call whenever you can. Just... remember I love you, okay?"

"I love you, too, Swan," I said quietly, hoping she couldn't hear me breaking down. "So so much. I'll talk to you soon."

"You alright?" A guy asked after I hung up and I nodded, quickly wiping my face. "First time in, huh? I get it. The bunk above mine is open if you want, it's in the corner."

"Thank you," I mumbled, going over to the bunk he pointed out while everyone else stared at me.

It'd been over two months now and they still wouldn't let Emma see me. I got to call her once a week, but it was never enough. I'd won the lawsuit but I couldn't care less. My new lawyer was sitting on the other side of the glass from me, mostly just talking at me until I heard him say something I never thought I'd hear.

"Wait," I stopped him. "What was that last part?"

"I talked down your sentence," he said again. "I explained the situation and they met Miss Swan, they agreed to let you out in two weeks. I haven't told her yet but-"

"No, don't tell her," I said quickly. "I want to surprise her... I can't even tell you what this means to me."

"Well, you did nothing wrong," he smiled a bit. "Your brother is the one who told you to lie in the first place, and you only did out of love. So it looks like our work is done, call if you ever need anything else."

*Emma's POV *

I hated this. Not only was Killian gone with only a weekly phone call, Neal was everywhere. He never left me alone, hitting me like he used to when I rejected him but thankfully only going that far.

The only place I felt safe was Killian's apartment so Liam gave me his spare key. About three months passed and I had just gotten to work that Saturday, trying desperately to hide the bruises with my shirt.

"Emma, good you're here," Liam said as I came in

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"Emma, good you're here," Liam said as I came in. "Can you bring this paperwork to the prison?

"Sure," I nodded. "Anything else?"

"Nope," he shook his head. "I'll handle the bar while you're gone."

I nodded and left, finding Neal next to my car. I shook my head, too drained to deal with him and going to get in my car. But of course, he stepped in my way.

"Going somewhere?" He asked but I ignored him. "Shouldn't you be at work? Or is it too hard without your precious hero there?"

"Shut up!" I snapped. "Don't you ever talk about him. He'll be home soon enough, and while you may be able to talk your way out of that restraining order, you can't talk him out of beating the living shit out of you for what you've been doing to me."

"Listen you little bitch," he grabbed my arm painfully, making me wince. "I'm not the only one in on this plan and soon you'll be running back to me."

"I'd rather die than be with you," I spat the words, crying out when his nails dug into my arm. "Now let me go, I have things to do."

I yanked myself free, quickly getting in my car and driving away. I drove to the prison still full of anger, the constant ache in my heart growing because I knew that I wasn't going to see Killian. It'd been happening this whole time, I was allowed to bring him things but I was never allowed to see him.

"Hello, Emma," the secretary who had come to know me greeted me when I came in. "What are you dropping off today?"

"Liam sent some paperwork," I said with a bit of confusion as I handed it to her and she nodded. "So... how's he doing?"

"Well," she glanced behind me, a small smirk coming to her face as familiar arms snaked around my waist from behind me. "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Can I just say, wayy too much Rumbelle tonight and not nearly enough CaptainSwan...

Anyway, I'm loving all your reactions haha they're so fabulous, please keep leaving them for me!

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