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* Emma's POV *

After Killian fell asleep I called my OBGYN, using her emergency number. I explained the situation and she told me that I'd have to either take the plan B pill and get my shot tomorrow, or I could wait and see if I had gotten pregnant.

I sat up on the balcony all night, just thinking. I knew couldn't just stop sleeping with Killian for no reason, so if I waited those chances would go up every single day. But if I had gotten pregnant, did I really want to basically kill our baby? Sure we were engaged, but we'd only been together for four months. What would a baby do to our relationship?

"Ugh," I groaned to myself as the sun came up. "This is so complicated."

"What is?" Neal's voice came out of nowhere and my head snapped up to see him at the other end of the balcony, coming closer to me. "Trouble in paradise?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I quickly got up and backed up. "How did you even know where this place is?"

"I have my ways," he said simply, backing me into the door. "Now there's no one to save you and nowhere for you to run."

I tried to say something but suddenly his hands were around my neck, cutting off my air supply. I tried to open the door but it was locked so I just started banging on it as hard as I could. I stopped when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, unable to scream as he stabbed me three more times and dropped me on the ground before disappearing. The world around me was getting dark and fuzzy and I was gasping for air when the door opened.

"Emma!" Killian exclaimed in horror, soon on his knees as he pulled me into his lap and I tried to scream in pain but it wouldn't come out. "Oh my god! Okay, just hold on. You'll be okay, just try to breathe for me."

*Killian's POV *

I called 911 but they were taking what felt like an eternity. Emma was barely breathing and I was hyperventilating, holding her close as she bled all over me. She hadn't responded a single time I'd talked to her and her eyes had closed soon after I found her.

I was in too much shock to cry, I didn't know what to do besides hold her and wait. Suddenly there were paramedics surrounding me, taking her from me and putting her on a gurney as they rushed out.

I ran after them, getting in the ambulance next to her. I held her cold, limp hand as they sped towards the hospital. Her ring had taken on a copper hue from all the blood, making my stomach twisted as I looked at it. We go to the hospital and they left me in the waiting room, covered in blood with nothing to do but hope and wait.

*Liam's POV *

I got a call from the hospital just after dawn, barely awake until they told me what happened. I sped to the hospital, not having to look far to find Killian. He was standing just outside the doors in the waiting room, staring into the trauma room.

"Killian?" I said but he didn't even flinch until I put my hand on his shoulder, turning around covered in blood with wide, tearfilled eyes. "What happened?"

"I was asleep," he barely uttered the words. "I was asleep and I wasn't there when she needed me. I-I was asleep."

"Okay, you were asleep," I nodded. "What happened when you woke up?"

"I-I heard a noise on the patio," he swallowed hard and shook his head. "I opened the door and she was on the ground. There was so much blood, and she couldn't breathe... I-I was asleep."

"Killian, we need to get you cleaned up," I told him gently but he yanked away from me to look through the window again. "There's nothing you can do now, so you need to take care of you."

"No," he snapped. "What I need is to be there when she wakes up. I need to tell her how sorry I am for letting this happen to her. Just... leave me alone, Liam."

"Put the shirt on, Killian," I said sternly and he rolled his eyes, yanking it on over the dry blood and looking back at the window. "This wasn't your fault. You were asleep."

"That's my point!" He almost sobbed. "I was asleep and she was on the balcony getting stabbed! She could fucking die, and it's because I wasn't there when I promised I would be!"

"Family for Emma Swan?" A nurse called and he rushed to her with me close behind. "Woah, hi, okay. Are you immediate family?"

"I'm her fiance," he nodded. "Is she okay? Is she awake?"

"She just got out of surgery," she told him. "She's not awake, but you can come see her if you like."

He nodded quickly and I followed them unnoticed. We had just gotten to close to a door when there was a strange noise and she made us wait there, listening to people yelling about someone's heart stopping.

*Writer's POV *

Neal and Milah were pretty satisfied with their work, thinking Emma was dead. Neal had gotten his revenge and Milah was on her way to get her man back. They were done... or were they?

Sorry! I had this done last night but I fell asleep! But don't forget to leave your thoughts!

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