Take My Breath Away

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* Killian's POV *

"I'm sorry, sir, you'll need to go back to the waiting room," the nurse told us just as we got close to her room. "It seems the stress stopped her heart and we need to restart it before you can see her."

"Screw that," I snapped, storming past everyone yelling at me and taking Emma's hand in spite of the tubes and wires. "Come on, Swan. Just breathe."

Security was about to grab me when one of the doctors stopped them. The heart rate monitor was beeping regularly and suddenly Emma was choking. They quickly took the tube out of her throat and she gasped, her eyes not opening but her breathing more normal than it had been since I'd found her.

I put my other hand on her head, stroking her hair gently. I finally cracked, breaking down in tears as I looked at her. I knew Liam was next to me and half the staff was staring at me but I didn't care, only she mattered.

"I take it you're the fiance?" Someone finally spoke directly to me and I nodded. "Well, don't take this the wrong way, but she was actually very lucky." He said and my head snapped up, anger burning inside me instantly. "Whoever attacked her missed every major artery, her wounds are all superficial. If her oxygen level continues to go up, then she can go home and her stitches will disolve on their own in a few days."

"She's okay?" I asked as I broke down in a whole new way. "She's gunna wake up, she'll be okay?"

"She'll be fine," he nodded with a small smile. "Her meds should wear off soon. She'll probably be groggy and panicked, but I have a feeling you can handle that."

"Thank you," I nodded. "Thank you so much."

He simply nodded and left, leaving me and my brother alone with Emma.

*Emma's POV *

I heard crying as I came back to consciousness, letting my eyes flutter open to the bright light. I looked over to see Killian next to me, holding my hand in both of his and leaning his forehead on them. I reached over with my free hand, brushing his hair off his forehead and making him look up.

"Emma," he whispered, tears slipping down his cheeks when he looked at me. "You're awake."

"Hey," I croaked then tried to clear my throat. He quickly stood up, bringing a straw to my lips so I could take a drink. "Thank you."

"Of course, love," he said as he sat on the edge of the bed next to me. "Anything you need. How are you feeling?"

"I hurt," I sighed, threading my fingers through his. "I'm dizzy, but I'm okay. How are you doing?"

"Me?" He almost laughed, brushing my hair out of my face and keeping his hand on my cheek. "You almost die and you're worried about me? You're the strangest, most incredible woman I have ever met. You're completely impossible."

"And you love me for it," I smiled a little and he grinned, resting his forehead on mine gently. "Anyway, did they tell you when I could go home?"

"Aye," he nodded. "Once your oxygen level goes up. And your stitches will disolve on their own in a couple days."

"Good," I said with a bit of relief. "Then I won't miss Halloween."

"Woah, you are not going back to work," he told me sternly, cutting me off before I could argue. "Not until you're completely healed. You're going to be on supervised bedrest until you're pain free and all your bruises are gone."

"Killian," I whined. "I have bills to pay. And I'm sure rent is more expensive than at my old place, I can't afford not to work."

"I own my apartment, love," he smirked a bit. "No rent for you. And I was paying everything there on my own before, I can do it again so you can get better. I'm not backing down so just let me take care of you?"

"Fine," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. "But under high levels of protest."

"Here," he moved closer, putting his hand on my cheek again. "I think I can lower that protest level."

He pressed his lips to mine gently and arms unfolded, my hands sliding up to hold onto his shirt. He kept it gentle but let the kiss grow deeper, his tongue twisting with mine slowly. The monitor next to me started to go off and he went to pull away but I clung to him, refusing to let his lips leave mine.

"Oh!" Someone said from the doorway and we noisily separated our lips. "I'm so sorry. I heard the oxygen alarm going off and... you know what? I'll just go."

The door closed and we looked back at each other. We burst into a fit of laughter and he kissed me softly a few times before resting his forehead on mine.

"I guess I really do take your breath away," he smirked, kissing me again as I giggled. "Now let's see about getting you home."

They let me go late that afternoon with strict orders for bedrest. We pulled up in front of the apartment and I started to panic. Killian noticed of course, squeezing my hip as his arm was around me.

"Don't worry, Swan," he said and kissed my forehead. "I called my lawyer and the police are watching every entrance, not to mention that I'm not letting you out of my sight again. You'll be safe."

I just nodded a little, letting him carry me inside. Liam, Mary Margaret and David were already there, looking at me with pity in their eyes. Killian got me comfortable on the sofa and I sent him to shower, insisting there were enough people here that I'd be fine.

"Okay, stop," I told the rest of them when he was gone. "I don't want your pity, okay? I'm fine. The only reason I'm not up and going to work like I usually do is because I'm humoring him. Just stop looking at me like that."

"Hey Emma?" Killian called as he came back down the hall, now shirtless and not seeming to notice anything as he sat on the edge of the sofa with me. "Are you still insisting on cutting my hair, or should I just go where I normally do?"

"I'll cut it later tonight," I smiled a bit, reaching up to run my fingers through his hair and down along the scratches along his back. "And I'll take care of those then, too. Just go shower."

"Kay," he smirked, kissing me quickly and going back to the bathroom. I smiled to myself, shaking my head at him. I made everyone else go home after a while, saying I was tired when I really just wanted to be alone with Killian. He came out of the bathroom in just pajama pants, looking confused. "Why are you alone? Where did everyone go?"

"Home," I said simply, pulling him down to me when he got close enough. "Now you are in desperate need of a hair cut."

Okay, I officially start work tomorrow. I'll try to keep up, but my updates might be more spaced out. I hope you all stick around!

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