Camp-Half Blood and Camp-Jupiter regain their power

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It wasn't much but with Camp Jupiter there to help, the monsters were daily defeated but there was only one slight problem. Where was Percy Jackson?

Percy POV

All I wanted was a break. Was that to hard to ask? Screw the fates. I was just thinking when Malcolm and Katie barged straight in my bunk.

'Wha- Hey!' Malcolm looked at me while Katie glared. She and Malcolm took both my arms and hauled me to the door. I tried getting out of this with any way possible but no luck. Since when did Katie and Malcolm get so strong? And shouldn't they be fighting?

'We. Need. You.' Malcolm jabbed his finger at my chest.

'The monsters just keep reforming. They say that only YOU can defeat them.' Katie, Katie, Katie. You need to stop hanging out with Travis and Connor girl. I gave in. Hey dont look at me like that! No just don't!

'Fine I'll help.' This has better be worth it. They pushed me out the bunk. Hard. Jeez guys you don't need to PUSH me. Out in the open I saw monsters from The 2nd Titan War and When we defeated Gaea. Oh boy; this had better be worth it.

'HEY! OVER HERE!' I waved my hands to signal them and they came running. Oh Gods. They ACTUALLY followed me? Huh. These guys don't know how to work their brains do they? Little did they know- well everyone knows that I had come up with a plan. Yeah you heard me, a plan.

'Over here thy monsters! Thou are not permitted to be here so begone or thee will destroy you!' Oh Gods Of Olympus I'm talking like Zoë. You'd be surprised by how much her language effected me. I think I've got ShakesphereanItis. Once I got the monsters attention I hid in the forest. Tartarus can't fool me.

'I've been expecting you.' I laughed maniacally and really creepily. The monsters looked my way and were about to attack when... I let out a plasma ball of water and shot jets at them. They didn't stand a chance.

'NOOOOOO!!!' Tartarus screamed. He was actually pretty easy to defeat without his minions.

All I knew was that he was going to get me back. Tartarus never stops.

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