Twilight Investigates

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I sunk in my seat in the cafeteria when it was time for lunch.

"So, how was the tour?" asked Applejack.

"The girls were acting very strange," I replied. "I just can't put my finger on it."

"Strange like this?" Pinkie Pie asked as she made a ridiculous face. "Or strange like this?" She made another funny face. "Or maybe..."

"Maybe we should let HER speak?" Rainbow Dash offered.

"It's just.....I dunno, weird!" I said as I turned to Applejack and Rarity.

"That sounds a bit frightening!" exclaimed Fluttershy after she bit into an apple.

Then the same girls opened the doors dramatically while serenading the cafeteria into a battle of the bands war. It didn't get us though, because we have magic.

I was right about the siren thing.

Later that day, I decided to go to my locker to grab my old book from Princess Celestia when I was back in Equestria. I lived there and was a student of Princess Celestia before I came to Canterlot High.

"This should signal Twilight," I said as I wrote in it.

Soon enough, Twilight came out of the mirror portal. She also is from Equestria.

"Sirens?" asked Twilight. "Battle of the bands?" She looked confused.

"Before all that, I would like to say what Twilight is now!" ruffed Spike-for some reason he's a talking dog. "The princess of friendship!"

"Wow, Twilight!" I congradulated. "Anyway, we have a band called the Rainbooms!" I told her. "Want to join?"

"Sure!" she responded. "I guess I'll be singing!"

"LEAD singer?!" asked Rainbow Dash. "That's my job!"

"Only for now!" said Twilight.

"Ugh, fine!" grumped Rainbow Dash. "Well, at least I get to jam out on my guitar!"

"Rainbow Dash!" everyone yelled.


"Hey, you know what we should do?" asked Pinkie.

"What?" everyone asked back.

"A sleepover!"

Everyone cheered as we all went to Pinkie Pie's house.

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