The Sleepover

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Pinkie Pie's house was unimaginably crazy. Everyone was doing thier own thing. Rarity, Fluttershy, and I took a selfie, which Spike photobombed.

"Spike!" yelled Rarity as she scrolled through the photos on her phone.

Pinkie Pie was on the computer, Twilight was taking notes on a counterpart spell, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were playing Mario Kart. Of course, Applejack was Yoshi and Rainbow Dash was Waluigi.

"Hey! I was about to beat you!" said Applejack as Rainbow Dash swooped into first place.

"I win at literally everything, Applejack!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

The doorbell rang.

"It's the pizza man! Want some, Twilight?" asked Pinkie Pie as she bounced up and down.

"Sure!" said Twilight as she grabbed a cheese pizza slice. I grabbed pepperoni.

After a while, it was midnight, which meant it was time to sleep. I felt something in my dreams, and I was pretty sure it happened in reality, because you can't feel things in a dream. I was thirsty anyway, so I walked to the fridge, where I found Twilight up taking notes.

"What are you doing up, a Twilight?" I asked as I got a cup of water.

"Just trying to figure out a spell," responded Twilight.

I looked in the fridge. "Who puts THIS much whipped cream in thier freezer?" I asked.

"Not sure," said Twilight. "It's just, I feel rushed to do this, but at the same time, I don't want to....."

"Let everybody down," we said at the same time. She smiled at me, when a creepy random person came up.

I screamed. "Boulder's hungry," the strange person said while giving cereal to what seems like a pet rock.

I didn't know we would actually make the Battle of the Bands......

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