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We were practicing for the Battle of the Bands in Applejack's house, and to be honest, it wasn't the best.

"I don't think we can find a counterpart spell in time!" Twilight worried.

"Don't worry!" I calmed. "It's about time for the auditions, and I bet we'll get in!"

"Okay......" said Twilight.

"You know what we're doing!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

"Not Awesome as I Wanna Be!!!!!!" everyone complained.

"Yep. It's our only chance of getting in!" cheered Rainbow Dash.

"Why can't we do one of my songs?" offered Fluttershy.

"No offense, Fluttershy, but your songs aren't going to get us in," said Rainbow Dash.

"Okay........" whispered Fluttershy.

We walked to Canterlot High, and we could see the Dazzlings singing, with others also auditioning.

"Bet you can't beat us with our competition, Rainbow Crash!" insulted Trixie.

"Oh yeah?" blurted Rainbow Dash. "I could win solo if I could!"

"Rainbow Dash!" we all yelled.

"Sorry!" she yelled back.

After our audition, I was surprised to hear that we won, and also the Dazzlings. Our magic was appearing, and I didn't want the Dazzlings to think we're cheating, so I pushed them.

"She really didn't change at all!" someone shouted.

"Yeah! She lied to us!"

I felt like I wanted to burst into tears at that moment, as the negative comments kept going in my head.

"Why did you do that?!" Rarity asked angrily. "Why couldn't you have closed the curtains? Whisper to us?"

"I didn't have enough time to think!" I said. And it was the truth.

The next day was worse. Trixie and her band was jealous of us, and somehow trapped us inside the stage.

It was probobably all my fault. 

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