Chapter 7: Enter Song Kitsune and Sicilia Smith

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Shen and the others helped Vanhart and Aeon with fixing and replacing some tires and polishing the car, and they all took a break. Later, Shen told the others that they should ask Song if she wanted to come hang out as well. After waiting for a bit and working on the car to pass the time, Song came by the shop and scratched on the bottom of the door and Aeon opened the door and let her in the room, she then walked in and hid behind Vanhart's leg, shaking a little in fear. "Song scared, Vanhart help!" She yelled. Vanhart then moved away and said, "It's alright Song, they are friends, and they want you to hang out with them and have fun, you can go if you want." Song then moved closer to the others and walked up to Misty, who then spoke, "Hey Song, if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me or Shen, we can help out if you are afraid." Song replied with a slight stammering tone, "S-Song like that, thank you." Misty then turned to Vanhart and told them they would all be going back to Monica's world to go see a stage show performed by a magician later that day, and so they left Vanahrt's world a while after, and went back to Monica's world to do just that. They first all headed to a cafe and talked about their lives and how things are different and vary from their own worlds to others, to which after they all had their chat, they headed towards the theater to see another of Corion Star's shows, and it was all the wonder they had expected. After the show, Misty and Shen scampered over to Corion and told him how great the show was, and Corion thanked them for their kind words, He then asked who the others were, and that lead to a long explanation of "The Guild of Hikari" and "Yokoshima" and the "Travelers" as well. "Ah, well, it was nice to meet you all, but unfortunately, my time here is short, I must return to My sister's orphanage to help the kids fix up an old telescope so we can go stargazing tonight." "Orhpanage?" Shen questioned. "Yes, My sister and myself, we manage an orphanarium not too far from here, and I do stage performances as "Corion Star" the magician to help get money so we can help the kids, and also with my astronomical research." He explained. Shortly after, the door opened and a woman with short reddish hair and a white dress walked in. "Joey." She said in a soft tone, "I've come to get you, the magician gig is fun and all, but we have things to take care of." "Ah, yes, I was just talking with some friends of mine, one of which is Ms.Wing's err...Partner, Ms.Misty Kitsune." "Oh, is that right?, well then." She smiled warmly, "Tell Ms.Wing that Ms.Sicilia Smith Said "Hi" Won't you?" She asked. Misty replied with a nod. "Oh! Maybe you all and Ms.Wing Could Join us, I mean, if you aren't busy?" She asked. Shen turned and talked with the others to get their opinion and they all agreed to it, later that night, Shen, Misty, Mary, Hakudoshen, Leon, and Song all visited the Orphanage. Joey and Sicilia came out with the kids, who had all helped to fix Joey's old telescope and they spent the night looking at the stars. Shen and Misty who were sitting under a tree watching the stars, shen then pointed out that he found this enjoyable, Misty almost instantly upon hearing this, kissed shen on the cheek, Shen only replied with "Misty, that was very kind, thank you." Then he hugged her and they walked back over to the others and watched the stars until they all went back to their own worlds again in the morning.

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