"Nice place you got here, Mädchen..." Gilbert mutters as he looks around while Ludwig nods
I smiled sheepishly "Thanks..."
Gilbert leaned against a wall in the hall while Ludwig sat down right next to him on the carpeted floor, a worried look on his face "Do you zink zere are ozer survivors..?"
I nodded, my fists clenched "Of course there are! There has to be..."
"Zere is! Don't vorry..." Gilbert gives me a genuine smile while he nudged Ludwig with his leg, Ludwig grumbling a sorry with a red face
"I just-" A knock from the front door, which was to our left, interrupted me
"Zombies never knock..." Ludwig looks up at Gilbert then at me "Right..?"
"Well-mannered zombies might!" I added with a worried tone
"Shh!" Gilbert silenced both of us "I don't zink it's a zombie..."
Ludwig stood up and Gilbert pushed us both behind him "If it is, run... Got it?"
My eyes widened "But what about-?"
Ludwig's look stopped me from completing my sentence. It was a sort of worried look, yet he was serious as well, and his piercing blue eyes held a trust for his brother. As if saying, he's going to be alright or he can handle himself
The door burst open and I clutched the back of Gilbert's shirt, my grip on Ludwig's hand tightening
"[Nickname]!" A familiar voice shouted "You're alright!"
Looking up, my gaze was met by green eyes and I just couldn't believe it "Arthur! It's you!"
Running up to him, I gave him a hug. He usually didn't like me hugging him but he returned it as happily anyway
"I'm glad you're alright, [Nickname]!" Looking up, I noticed Alfred as well
My grin could only grow bigger "Alfie! You're here too? This is great!"
I hugged him as well but a voice immediately burst my bubble, my eyes meeting his blue ones " 'ello [Nickname]..."
"Francis..." I backed away, my words dripping with venom "Glad you're here to ruin my happiness..."
"Oh, come on now! You're still 'ung up on zat stupid boy?" He replies
"You might be a year or two older than me but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass..." I growled
"Yeah, you bloody frog! Get away from her! You've already caused enough trouble!" Arthur steps in between us
"Arthur!" I chirped "I almost forgot to introduce you and Alfie to my new friends!"
I heard Alfred chuckle "S'alright! We already know Gilbert and Ludwig!"
My grin grew as Alfred and Gilbert shared a high-five, Gilbert smirking "Didn't know you knew a Mädchen like zis one!"
"Haha!" Alfred ruffles my hair "Me and [Nickname] go way back!"
"Yup! The Kirkland-Jones family and mine are great friends!" I added, hand gripping Arthur's
He looked at me as Francis closed the door and joined the conversation. He knew I was holding up a fake smile. He knew me too well "Stop it..."
The rest of the group had huddled into the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat. We were left alone.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Arthur!" I pouted, tugging on my arm
He just gripped on it tighter, loose enough not to hurt me but tight enough to not let go, his fingers intertwined with mine "I know you're hiding the hurt! You don't have to! You can't just go from angry to happy like you did! In a snap!"
I sighed "Fine! Fine! I'm mad and I'm sad and I'm frustrated! Okay?"
"Good..." A small smile found it's way to Arthur's face "I mean, I'm not telling you to forgive Francis for what he did..."
I nodded and he continued "But I want you to know that you won't benefit from hiding these feelings! We talked about this..."
He squeezed my hand and I nodded again "You told me this already... So many times... I know..."
A smirk etched itself on his face for a second before it was replaced with a soft smile "Then why do you keep doing it? He wouldn't want you to!"
My heart clenched. He used the Matthew card. But I understood why "I know..."
"Jolly good then! I'll hold you to that!" He smirked before engulfing me in a hug "I missed you..."
"Missed you too, you bloody Briton..."
Fanfiction≫Axis Powers: Hetalia ≫Paring: 2p!Canada-X-Reader-X-Romano; 2p!Italy-X-OC!Character-X-England; 2p!America-X-OC!Character-X-America