In Classroom 2-B (3:05 pm; Dec. 8)

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Arthur, Ludwig and [Name] had fallen asleep, leaving me to guard by myself

I sighed "How boring..."

Looking back at the sleeping kids, I chuckled. Arthur had fallen asleep first and [Name] second, placing her head on Arthur's chest. Ludwig, of course, fell asleep last and was currently hugging [Name's] arm with a small smile

Then, so suddenly, a knock came to the door. I blinked, seeing as every group had one copy of the key to the room

Pulling out the metal bat Gilbert lent me, I growled "Who's there?"

A whimper was heard, a girl it seems, before an actually answer "P-Please! H-Help me! My fr-friend is injured!"

I pulled the door open, revealing a girl. She had her friend's arm wrapped around her shoulder as she tried to hold her friend up

"W-Was she b-bitten..?" I raised an eyebrow

She shakes her head "We t-tried to h-hide... Sh-She cut her side o-on a piece of gl-glass as we were t-trying to escape!"

I nodded, leading her in "Arthur! [Name]! Ludwig!"

Two of them, Arthur and Ludwig, immediately woke up while [Name] just sat up and rubbed at her eye

"What the hell do you want this--" Arthur stopped mid sentence, seeing the two girls in the room "Who the bloody hell are they..?"

One of the girls, the more conscious looking one that tried to hold her other friend up, seemed to flinched "M-My name is Maria de la Cruz and my friend's name is Elizabeth Connors! Sh-She lo-lost a l-lot of bl-blood a-and I-I..."

"Calm down..." I smiled gently, taking the unconscious girl into my arms and placing her down next to a groggy [Name]

"If ve can, ve'll help your friend..." Ludwig smiles sheepishly at Maria, a slight blush on his face as I chuckled "Ve vill, I mean..! [Name] just has to heal her viz her skills and stuff..!"

[Name] chuckles as well, fully awake, before standing up and heading into the closet. Taking out one of the extra first aid kits the others had made, she sits next to the girl with a cloth "I-I need water though..."

Arthur, Ludwig, Maria and I looked at each other before Maria headed outside

"Wh-Where are you g-going?" Arthur calls after her before sighing in defeat, following after her

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