In Classroom 2-B (2:05 pm; Dec. 8)

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"So you're fucking telling me, she yelled her fucking vocal cords off for someone to help her und you just stood zere vatching her?" I growled, pulling the bastard up with the front of his collar 

The boy, who introduced himself as Romano, smirked "And you-a didn't?"

I dropped the boy, making him land on his ass, before kicking his side "Vhy you ugly bastard! How dare you even say zat?"

"You-a did, didn't you?" He hisses, wiping the blood off the corner of his mouth "You watched her-a scream for help, yet you-a just-a stared at her!"

I growled louder, furrowing my eyebrows in anger, as I picked him up by his collar "Vhat ze hell is your problem..?!"

"You, signor!" Romano hisses at me and I fling him, his back hitting against the wall 

"N-No!" I turned around to see that [Name] was awake "D-Don't hurt people, Gilbert!"

I sighed, watching her run to the boy I had beaten up to see if he was okay "Mister? Stai bene?"

Romano groans, his eyes fluttering open as his hand rubs his head "S-Sì..! Are you..?"

"I-I'm alright..." She smiles gently, sitting beside him 

I growled "Don't fucking get near him..! He's a bastard!"

[Name] looked up, turning to him before running to me "I-I'm sorry, Mister, I have to listen to Gilbert..."

"Are you sure you're okay..?" I slightly crouch so that my eyes met hers, my hands on her shoulders "I can't imagine vhat you're..."

She shook her head "I-I'm fine..! I-I j-just... Monsieur Pancake-kun..."

A she started to cry, I pull her into my arms "Shh... It's alright, mein kleines Fräulein..!"  

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