Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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Chapter 1- Continued

-A/N - so sorry for the extremely late update guys, I had such a up and down mood the last month I have hated and loved my work and keep redoing it as I think of new ideas and then end up hating what I have done and I was on holiday for two weeks!!!!-


Jumping out of my skin I make a grab for my phone, my alarm began ringing -6.50pm had popped up on my the screen, that would be my shift reminder... I need to be in by about eight. But I hate rushing, I grab my plate off the sofa and take it into the kitchen leaving it in soak, I should probably take a shower after lazing about all day or ill probably end up smelling like tom, I laugh to myself.

The feel of the warm water releases all the tension from my body, as the shower beats down on me its like not having a worry in the world, I'm not in a rush so why not?

Grabbing a towel I walk over to the sink wrapping it around my waist loosely as I rub the condensation from the mirror I smile half-heartedly at myself, god I can be so pathetic sometimes. Pulling the towel from my waist I wrap it around my head roughly rubbing it in to dry my hair abit before putting in some gel and putting it into a spiked fringe. finishing it off with a quick blow from the hair-dryer.

Guess I better go pick out some clothes for tonight the club don't really seem to care as long as its simple and not overdone. Oh god it would have been easier to have done my hair after, not before, how organised I am I sigh to myself. IM not looking forward to the getting dressed struggle this is going to cause as I begin making my way to my bedroom.

I pick out a pair of black jeans, a simple plain black v neck tee, silver chain, red zip up hoody and a snapback. Just to try keep my hair good as im pretty sure its raining outside, well I mean it is October and we are in England, guaranteed rain.

I quick glance at my watch -7.36pm- great and I got less than twenty minutes to practically run to work in the city grabbing a pair of white hightops from my wardrobe and my name tag I rush into the living room putting them on while I notice the rain drizzling down the bay window, of course.. I glance in the mirror adjusting my hair and cap to cover my hair as much as possible along with my my hood up.

Keys- check, wallet- check, phone- check. I say out loud as I feel around my pockets, turning the lights off and closing the door and locking up turning to the dark street I put my headphones in and press play, ironically "Summertime Sadness" begins to play on random - fantastic! (no really)

I make my way down the steps from the flats to the road, barely alight, a small lamp post down the way being the only real source of artificial light, the rest reflecting from the moon which was unusually bright. As I get to the end of the path I turn left onto the pavement I glimpse something move to my right, but as I looked back I could see nothing I must just be imagining things, it is dark . Its probably just my mind playing tricks. I begin picking up my pace to work as the times ticking and I am pretty sure my clothes are soaked through as the naturally British weather falls down, probably aiming directly at me.

Skidding around the corner I notice the queue of rowdy teens and twenty something already building to get in "Revolution" or vodka revs as its known, the jobs crap but the pays not too bad.

I pull out my headphones bringing up the home screen on my phone -8.10pm- my chest churns with anxiety. Wrapping my headphones around my phone I slide it back into my pocket making my way up to one of the bouncers "evening" I start awkwardly, pulling out my club ID he simply nods signalling me through and allowing me to pass.

I can already hear the ear deafening distasteful music, im not even in the club area yet its up three flights of stairs in a supposedly sound proofed area. I slip around the corner into a corridor and go through to the staff area. I open my locker pull down my hoody and flip off the snap back- perfect my hairs barely been touched I think as I adjust it in a small mirror in the locker door, I chuck everything in, my wallet, phone, keys pulling off my soaked hoody and shoving it on top of the lockers. I lock up my locker and slip the key in my back pocket as I make my way out of the staff room and up the stairs to the night ahead of me.

As I enter the club area I try sneaking hopelessly past, diving behind the bar I scan the void of the room "thank god" I whisper to myself, my manager is not in tonight so I should be fine. Not far off opening time then I am here till the kick out shift. 3.30am... this is going to be a long night. I put my electric earplugs in, these idiots may enjoy it once a week or month, but doing this 3-5 days a week you'd go deaf in a week haha if not sooner.

The times actually gone fairly quickly, its almost 10.30 now, but that means im going from the cash register and serving behind to the bar to running about like a headless chicken for hours taking orders and delivering them to the, by now, brain dead zombie like creatures I see walking about enacting weird teen rituals, puking, shouting loud and generally half the time I think they end up pissing themselves. They smell like that half the time.


*sorry terrible "ending" for this section lol, but i cant keep writing i have been going for hours and the next sections not quite ready. so these two pages are 1/5 of my notes for chapter one, but i dont want to post it all in one chapter, so idk what to do, if i seperate them into chapter 1/2/3 but actually the next 4 posts will still be chapter one technically, so what i may do them all then combine them into one page as i go xx

anyhow comment/like/vote!!!! i would really like comments- constructive are always really helpful atleast then i can gauge how the general feel is towards the story - now i know this may be boring right now, but its just me getting a feel for the characters and fleshing them- or should i say for now nathan out, lots of love Laura xxx

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