Chapter 1 (Part 3) The Club

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An hour or so passed by, I try not to look or keep track of the time, I don't enjoy personal torture.

Tonight's been pretty much the usual you would expect, serving customers just becomes a natural process you don't really pay much attention but you get it done like clockwork while thinking away in your own little world.

"nathan,,, NATHAN!" I heard as I was snapped back to reality a heavy handed thump hits my shoulder "time for the floor buddy" i turn to see Craig, I look up as he towers over me. how I hate him he is just one of those people who acts like he is perfect, I mean he is close enough but you don't have to have such a large ego you know? We know you can get any girl, Although that spiked blond hair and blue eye combo is just damn hot he must be atleast 6" 3. "Nathan.." I quickly come back to reality "yea sorry bout that.. Going now" I smile awkwardly before quickly ducking behind him and to the exit from the bar area. Oh god here come the crowds of people. I hate it, it's like trying to navigate through a tin packed full of sardines which is not even exaggerating. It's so claustrophobic.

The next few hours drifted along fairly slowly despite being a busy night, but a jobs a job. As I approach one of the booth tables to the side of the dance floor I look up and it hits me- Max, Siva, Tom, Becky, Lauren, someone I'm not sure about and Kelsey. God what do I do do I turn and go or not be socially awkward and go over! I go to turn away as someone hits me forcefully and I get pushed back to the group I quickly scan my surroundings "How the hell..." I get cut off as I feel a arm swing over my neck and a ear getting rubbed rolling my eyes I turn around knowing it could only be one person "MAX!!" As I get attacked with a hug "nafyyyyy" is about what I can make out from Max's slurred words before I'm dragged over to the others at the table.

After a few more screams and hugs from the girls and tom of course I should be getting back to work "you guys been here long?" I question max nods, obviously the rest look like they just arrived Kelsey shouts over "about 10 minutes" before she returns to her phone. "We'll I can probably get off in abit, I'll come join! I'll go get you some drinks... On the house!" Giving a wicked smile to them. Hmm now what's the most disgusting drinks I can come up with! I laugh to myself as I make my way behind the bar.

Ok so a couple of pints and vodka and coke for the girls, shot time... Hmm a dash of Tabasco sauce, a dash of soy and.. Malibu and vodka for the win! I give it a quick sniff as my nose burns, yea I won't be drinking one of those!

"3,2,1 go" I laugh as they all down the shots nothing could describe those few moments and the thousand different emotions and faces they pulled! It was hilarious Becky went to be sick, max signals for his pint and seev was well, just seev. "Your turn!" Toms shouts to me shaking my head I reply "can't till I get off my manager will kill me if he smells I've had a drink on my breath" I signal to the bar area but tom just gives me that stupid grin of his. I just shake my head and smile at him running my hands through my hair "right take your drinks I'll take the tray and shots back, I Think I'm due a break" I say as I lift the now fairly empty and light tray.

I turnaround scurrying to the bar but as if in slow motion I see this lanky lad come crashing towards me in a drunken stupor and I brace for impact closing my eyes and turning away waiting for the collision, yet nothing.

I turn back around to see somehow a curly haired guy somehow managed to block the way, i sigh in relief

"thanks" I whisper quietly making my way around him

"your welcome" he shouts to me and I hear crystal clear.. How on earth did he hear that? I could have sworn I said that under my breath let alone the thumping music. I manage to return the tray and glasses to the bar in one piece, First time for everything you know.

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