My One And Only

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I watched my mom smile at the pup in his lap.

"He is adorable! But Cal where did you find him?" My mom wondered.

"He was whining inside a tree and when i went to check to see the noise he was trying to suckle off of his dead mother. He was the only one alive..." my god father, Cal, said sadly.
"So why did you brimg him here?" I decidedto but in.

"Well my favorite god child! "Cal smirked and my younger brother, Harvey, glared.

"Am i a potato!" Harvey sighed.

Cal nodded at him and my mom hit him upside the head.

"Owww Luca you didnt have to hit me." He whined and my mom shrugged. He just continued. "Anyways Oli YOU get the responisiblity of caring for a pup!"

"No!" I growled. "I might be the submissive but i dont want a baby at this point in time!"

"You need practice so just care for the pup!" Cal said sternly and i took the pup from him.

"Im not milking!" I sighed.

"Felisha is!" My mom pushed in before following my father to who knows where.

"Welp i gotta make my leave now!" Cal smirked before turning into his wolf form and running out of the pack house and to his own pack.

I cradled the pup in my arms. The pup was a reddish brown color and he had brown eyes that looked a little red. He snuggled into me. The poor thing couldnt be more than 4 weeks. I pet his fur and walked to the nursery.

"Hey Felisha?" I walked in and saw her swatting one of her pup's nose.

"Hey Oli!" She smiled at me.

"Can i ask you a favor?" She nodded and i continued. "Since im not milking will you feed my pup?"

"Where did you get a pup." She gently placed him near her and he started suckling instantly.

"Cal found him... and his dead family..." i bit my lip.

She nodded and we sat there until the pup was done and he waddled over to me.

"He recognizes you as his mother already!" She whispered.

I sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Well will you watch him i wanna go on a walk to clear my head."

She agreed and i changed into wolf and ran out of the house. I made it to town and changed into human and walked over to the resturaunt. I walked in and was knocked down by a tingling sensation when my hand brushed against someone. I heard them fall as well and i looked over to see... my mate.

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