Chapter 21

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I landed on the ground of the dungeon floor and gagged, it smelled like many people have died in here and believe me I know what death smells like. It was dark, cold and the ground was slimy to walk on. I wanted to throw up and leave, but I had to do this for Damien. I walked around the floor until I saw a light just ahead of me. I walked towards it and looked inside it was like a mini office, but it smelled just as bad as the rest of the place. No one was in there though

"Hello" I called out, then I looked around for keys but didn't see any "Hello" I called out again and still no answer. I searched through the drawers, the desk and up under all the papers scattered across the desk, but didn't found anything. I felt someone behind me and quickly turned around and grabbed the persons throat. I growled at them, but they looked unfazed by my actions

"Well hello queen Sarah, what may bring you to the dungeon floor?" He croaked out

I released him and he dropped to the floor "You have a prisoner here that you are holding and I will like to have him"

The guy smirked "There's nothing down here but, blood thirsty demons, what would you want with one of them?"

"That blood thirsty demon happens to be my fiancee and your next king, so if you do not release him then there will be hell to pay" I snarled at him

All he did was laugh. Was I funny to him? Did I say anything remotely funny? "Oh my queen, you don't want a slave as your husband. He will just end up killing you" I growled loudly and lunged toward him holding him against the wall behind him

"The only person that's going to be killed is you, now you don't have a slave in your cell you have a free person and your next king, so I would advise you to give me the keys to the cell and I won't break your neck" I was fuming

The guy smirked again through me choking him "Ok, your majesty, but be warned good things don't last forever. That vampire will suck you dry and take over your kingdom" he said

I smirked back at him "The only way that would happen is if I was actually human" I flashed him my fangs and he deadpanned "That's what I thought. Keys. Now" I ordered

The guy slowly reached into his pocket and got out the keys. I snatched them from him and dropped him back on the floor where he stayed. I walked out and quickly looked through the cells to find Damien. I came to one cell to see that Damien was in it. He was chained to the wall just above the ground. I opened the gate and rushed over to him unlocking the chains and getting him down. I brushed my fingers across his face

"Damien, baby wake up"

I heard him groan and that was a good sign. His eyes fluttered open and I smiled at those golden rays that stared at me. When he finally figured it was me he smiled weakly

"They didn't hurt you did they?" I asked scanning over his body

"You know I wasn't gonna go without a fight" He chuckled then groaned in pain, holding his side

I helped him up "Can you walk?" Concerned wouldn't even be the words I would use

He nodded and we started walking out to the hatch door. Once there I slowly helped Damien out first, then jumped out after him. Shutting the door to that god awful place. We walked back to the front and when I tried the door to get to the reception desk it was locked. My blood boiled and I kicked the door down. I walked back to the desk to see Damien's family still sitting there I let him go and he walked over to them. I turned to face the guard, who gulped really big

"You think locking the door was going to keep me from getting out, well don't bother fixing the door or the wall because I will be back to finish off this whole building" I said giving him a death stare

I turned away from him and walked the family outside and to the car, which I now realized was to small for all of them to fit. I heard Damien laugh behind me

"You wanted to come fast, but forgot there was six of us" Damien said walking up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist

I turned around in his arms and pecked him on the lips "I mean we could race back to the castle while your dad drives, but you're too hurt for that" A side smile playing on my lips

"Oh no I'm not, I'll race you anytime" he said with a crooked smile that makes my heart thump

"Alright then lover boy, lets see what you got" Getting into a stance to take off running

I tossed Seth the keys "We'll meet you guys back at the castle"

He looked at us, but shrugged it off and walked with his family to the car. I looked over at Damien and raised my eyebrows "You ready for this?"

He nodded "Yep, I'll tell you what you have to do for me after I win"

"Ok, Mr. cocky pants. See you when you get there"

I took off running without giving him a chance to say anything else and I was beating him for a good minute until I saw him pull up beside me. He winked and passed me up. I put the wheels on and ran as fast as I could, we were reaching the circle drive of the castle and I was almost there, but Damien beat me by a millisecond. We walked into the castle and into the kitchen as I pouted while sitting down, Damien smiled victoriously then walked over to me with coffee the same way I made it for him that time.

"Are you mad at me?"

I shrugged "nope, now what do I have to do for you?" I said plastering on a fake smile that made Damien chuckle

"You have to...." He rubbed his chin thinking "You have to.. love me forever"

I giggled at his cuteness and walked over to him sitting on his lap. I heard the front door open and close, so finally had made it back in one peace. When they did walk into the kitchen Marie Ann smiled at the sight of us

"Sarah, we can not thank you enough for saving us" Seth nodded in my direction

"You don't have to thank me, we're basically family and no one ever hurts my family" Smiling at him

"I love you" Nessa ran up to me squeezing me in a tight hug

" too, but I can't breath" I choked out

She released and blushed "Sorry"

They all sat around the table and we had small talk about; the wedding, the ceremony, my dress and how I will be introduced into the vampire world. I wasn't all too nervous to meet the council, but I was nervous to go back to Romania. The birth place of vampires, the one place where vampire's are free and equal. If all goes well I will be queen to not one country, but to two species

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