Flower Child *Personal*

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Crying won't get me anywhere,

Keeping my head up,

and I stride for happiness,

you told me,

I was your flower child,

and it sounded,

bad when the words escaped your mouth,

And I told you,

that happiness can be found in everything,

that being happy was what we all stride for,

We stride to love our job,

to be happy for others,

to be feel happiness,

and good in everything,

and everyone we meet,

Was I wrong when I spoke this?

Was I wrong when I told you,

in sarcasm might I add,

"Then I guess it makes me a hippie"

Because I will always try to stride to be happy,

I don't want to feel all those richid thoughts,

those angery, jealous, hateful feelings,

my honor,

My respect,

The little things that make me ME,

will be swallowed up,

chewed around,

and spat right out,

So I don't care,

If I might be called a Hippie,

A flower child,

because happiness, love and peace,

is all I want,

in this life .

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