❃ nickname \\ 6

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"Hello, Jodi."

"Hello, again, Robert."

"You can call me Rupert."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Well I think it's a good idea, Jodi."

"Anyways, I was wondering if Sweet Cheeks is open today."

"It is."

"Well I'm passing through, so I just thought maybe I'd stop by. I could thank you a little more personally for the other day."

"We close in about 4 hours. So can you make 6:30 this afternoon?"

"Yeah, I can, Robert."


"Okay... Rupert. I'll be there at 6:30."

"I can't wait."




"Are you still there?"


"Jodi, this isn't funny. Why are you screaming?"

"...I'm hanging it up, Cayden. I swear I-"



"Jodi? What's going on?"

"Goodbye, Rupert."

"Wait- Jodi!"

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