❃ you did that? \\ 5

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"Hello, this is Sweet Cheeks. My name is Robert, how may I help you?"

"It's Jodi."

"Well, good morning to you Jodi. Did you sleep well?"

"Very well."

"Well then that's very good."

"Robert, did you leave these cupcakes on my doorstep?"

"What ever do you mean?"

"Come on. The box has your shop's label on it."

"Well so much for an anonymous surprise."

"That was a two hour drive. You didn't have to do-"

"I wanted to. You sounded upset on the phone last night."


"Want to talk about it?"

"I don't think I do. Not right now."

"That's alright."

"I just wanted to call and tell you thanks."

"Well you're welcome."

"I'm going to hang up now."

"Well, goodbye, Jodi."

"Goodbye, Robert."

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