Chapter 5

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{Avery POV}

I sat wide awake listening to Jessica's slow breathing and a smile crossed my lips. She was so peaceful and beautiful while she slept. This woman was perfect and I was falling for her I knew. How could I love someone I had just met. It had taken me months to fall for Annie and two years to get the courage up to ask her to marry me.

Then in one night she had been ripped from me by a damn drunk driver. She had been headed home from the clinic and had phoned to tell me to meet her at our favorite pizza place down the street. I hadn't known it then but she had been on her way to tell me she was five weeks pregnant.

I didn't even get to see the joy in her face. She was hit head on before she even made it to me. I found out from the doctors that she had been carrying hmy child. I lost two parts of me that night and I never really gained them back. With Jessica the pain seemed to fade. She was definitely something special.

Annie would want me to be happy and being with Jessica made me feel alive for the first time in a very long time. I know there is secrets behind her eyes but all will come out in time at least I hope they will. I will gain her trust and maybe then she will open up to me and I to her.

I was snapped from my thoughts as Jessica began to stir. I couldn't help but notice her naked body beneath the sheets. Mt groin jumped with approval and I proceeded to wake her up.

{Jessica POV}

I was having the most fantastic dream until I was abruptly snapped out of it for a more fantastic reality. Avery was slowly trailing kisses down my stomache as my eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning beautiful"

"Good morning" I replied with a sheepish grin

"I thought you might like a wake up call"

"Oh definitely" I winked

My breath caught as his lips came down on my clit and started a torturous rythm of sucking and licking. Oh my this was heaven. He knew exactly the right places to lick and when to nibble to throw me over the edge.

Just as I climaxed he thrust into me and continued his torture until we both came. We layed in each others arms in silence until I felt him slowly drift to sleep. I knew I was falling in love with this man but I am so broken, how could he possibly fall in love with me.

My own mother had betrayed me and destroyed any hope I had of ever trusting anyone ever again. Avery was different I could tell but there was hurt in his eyes. He had been through something in his past. I can see the same hurt in his eyes as I did in my own reflection.

Avery was a beautiful man with a beautiful heart but how can I ever trust a man again. My heart had been ripped into a hundred pieces but something tells me so has his. I want to know every detail about this loving man even if it means opening up about my own horrific past. As I drifted back to sleep images of Avery filled my dreams.

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