Jaime x pregnant reader

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"Jaime," You tell down to your fiánce.
"Are you okay (y/n)," He asked running up to the bedroom you both shared.
"I'm fine," You said looking up to Jaime. His hair was badly tosled as if he had been runing his hands through it all morning. "I need to pee but I can't get up. Could you help me?"
He chuckled as he lefted you to your feet.
"Thankyou," you said walking  into your bathroom.

When you got out you saw Jaime sitting on the edge of the bed obviously arguing with scarb. He didn't have to talk out loud anymore but he always scruches up his face.
"You okay?" you asked sitting on his lap.
"Yeah im fine," He said, slightly muffled as he pushed his face into your neck. His handes resting on your swollen stomach.
"What was scarb saying?" you asked resting your hands on his.
"Nothing," he said, his head still in your neck.
You lifted your hands off of his, cupping his face with your hands, making his browns eyes meet your (e/c) ones.
"Tell me," you said just above a whisper.
"He said that it is stupid to stay here with you," He said.
Your eyes started to water. Damn pregnancy hormones.
"Hey , it's okay," he said cupping your face with his hands. His thumbs creasing your cheeks. "I'm never going to leave you or our baby."
Your lips crashed together. Everytime you kissed it still felt like the first time.
He pulled away far to quickly for your liking.
"Are you okay?" He said looking into your (e/c) eyes.
"Yeah, it's jusy stupid pregnancy hormones," You said laughing. He soon joined in on laughing.
After about five minutes of laughing for no reason yoh both calmed down.
A massive cut on Jaime's arm caught your eye.
"What happened to your arm?" You said taking his arm and examining it.
"I fell over at the cave," he said looking at the floor.
"I know your lying," you said still looking at his arm. "There's nothing at the cave to give you a cut this deep."
"(y/n)," he started clearly not knowing what to say next.
"You do realize that I'm part of the team as well," you said looking at his brown eyes.
"You're not going back onto the team until I know that your better," he said putting your arms around you and hugging you closer to him.
"I know but now tell me whay happened," you said a little scared now.
Jaime sighed. "Someone cut while I was on a mission last night."
"I'm scared that you'll get killed out there," you confessed.
"I won't get killed," he said lifting your chin up so you looked him in the eyes. "I have the team and the Justice League." He paused and the got quiter. "I also have something to fight for. I have you and the baby."
You sighed knowing that you had been defeated.
"I want to make the world safe for you and the baby," he said as you both leaned in to kiss eachother.
His hands started to run his hands through your (h/c) hair.
You two were cut off by Jaime's phone.
Jaime groaned knowing who it was.
"What," You could tell Bart was on the other end askingg if he could come over.
"Let him come over Jaime," you whispered walking down stairs to open the door.
You looked at what you were wearing for the first time this morning.
You were wearing one of Jaime's hoddies with a pair off shorts.
For the rest of the day you snuggled with Jaime as he and Bart played GTA 5. With a few kisses shared between you and him.

Jaime Reyes (Blue Bettle) x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now