Death By Dreams

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Drake's POV

"Nice seeing you son....i mean...Traitor," Dream Catcher says, as he casts me back to the mansion.

I couldn't believe my eyes.....

"What...happened...." Squid said slowly

I had shown my vision to the people back at the mansion..its a telekinesis thing...

They saw the whole thing....

They saw Destiny die....

"NOOOO...THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!?" I heard Lee scream, i turned round to see them all huddled round a flat piece of a stone wall. Lee was sobbing in his hands, kneeling. And Luna cried into Autumn.

Amy Lee and Bunny silently cried together, and Squid put an arm round Lee.

Jess, Sky, Jin, Barney and Ross were all huddled together, comforting each other.

Ash was trying to comfort Lee and Kat, who was bawling her eyes out.

And Jemma cried into Xael's shoulder, who stood their solemnly.. I walked next to Xael, who looked at me.

"You tried...." Was all she could manage to say, without her voice splintering and her eyes watering.

I sighed, before my anger rose up and smashed my hand against the stone wall, it didn't hurt me..

....But i wish it did......

"Its all my fault..." I yelled, I heard everyone quieten down, i felt their eyes staring at me, burning holes through my neck.

"I should've told her the truth....she didn't know I was her enemy...and I pulled her...and all of you into this. Stupid. Idiotic. Mess..!" I said, slamming my hand in anger, on each of the last words.

I panted, before turning round, and leaning against the wall.

"Shes....gone....isnt she..." Lee said slowly, gulping away the tears

"S-Sadly...." Xael answered slowly

"How are we gonna tell The Doctor?" Jin asks, suddenly.

"I can control the TARDIS. I could...." Hazel said

"But how? We can never get out of here...." Autumn sighs.

"Y-Yes...We can..." Lucas said, slowly, looking up. We all looked at what he was seeing..

A crack....In the sky?

Then I knew what Lucas was talking about.

"Of course! We can druve the TARDIS up there!" Luna yelled

And apparently Luna too...

Hazel started running, and then we all took off, not wasting another second.

In about, 10 minutes..we reached, what was called the TARDIS 2.0 . It blended in well, It was a massive tree, and Hazel got out a silver and golden mixed key, out of her shoe. Locking it, and opening it.

"We probably don't have much time." I said, Hazel nodded.

Stampy called out "Come one guys! Lets get moving!" And soon enough everyone was in.

Hazel started flicking switches round, and finally came to the massive lever.

"HOLD ON!" She yelled, as she slammed it down, and the whole thing shook.

Voices erupted the room, as the TARDIS was tumbling everywhere, I looked around the room.

Until it hit me....

Not everyone was in the TARDIS.

"WHERE'S LUNA!" Kat yelled in horror

"And Jin...Barney...Jess....Ross...and Sky!?" Finball counted, but by now it was obvious where they were

They were just in the wrong place.....

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