Trouble Twins

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     Blue or black. The blue looks edgy..But the black will go with outfit... Maybe I'll get the white one... What if I get all three? No I don't have enough money...

     Frustrated I put the bows back and walk around the rack for the millionth time. If it weren't for that stupid formal, then I wouldn't be in this damn crowded mall, looking at dumb hair bows. Huffing with impatience I grab the black lacy bow and head to the register. The lady rings it up trying a few times to make small talk but she stops when I don't respond. I hand her the money and book it out of there before the lady cons me into buying a stupid pair of earrings to go with the damn bow.

     I need a favor she said, it's just a formal she said, you'll have fun she said, why can't she cut the bull for once?

     I stomp through the mall annoyed at my friend if it weren't for her I wouldn't be here trying to keep myself upright in the sea of elbows and hands. I duck under a gaggle of girls and spot the exit sign.

     Sweet baby Jesus thank you!

     Once I step out a white van pulls up and slows before stopping in front of me. It's old and beat up with a logo on the side stating 'Bear's The Best!' with a few dents and lots of scratches. The doors slide open and a girl grabs my arm yanking me inside. I stumble tripping on the frame and land on my knees. I glare up at the girl but she's too busy reaching into the bag and pulling out the bow.

     "Aubrey it's so cute you're gonna look amazing! Don't you think so Sam?" The girl questions shaking the driver's shoulder.

     "Cut it out Jules I swear if we wreck it's gonna be your fault!" He says swatting at his sister's hand. I shake my head and pull myself onto the seat before dusting off my palms and checking to make sure I'm not bleeding.

     You guys seriously need to clean this van...

     "Aubrey you have that face again.. You know we can't read your mind!" Jules says crossing her arms, the bag taunting me.

     I roll my eyes and grumble before looking out the window. Jules is the exact opposite of me, with light curly hair and a petite figure, she's only 4'9. Where I have thick dark brown hair that ends at the shoulder in an unmanageable mess. I also tower over her in all of my 5'6 glory. She doesn't go to my school, as her parents decided to pull both of them out and put them in a military school. The reason... They trespassed on our County Fair grounds, and operated all the rides before getting caught by the security guard. Then while running from the guard (and a few police), they broke into a candy store and hid in the barrels of gummy bears, before calling me... Sad to say but they couldn't exactly cover it up with sweet smiles, or even handfuls of gummy candy... I've nicknamed them the trouble twins.

     Don't ask me how I got in this mess, I'm not exactly sure either. But Jules text me this morning and demanded that I get up and meet her outside in ten minutes. There she told me how Sam's formal date ditched him, and I was the only person good enough for the job. When I tried to go back she glared and said 'You have nothing else to do you're a hermit crab! So you might as well come!'

     Couldn't argue with that... 

     "Aubrey! Snap out of it i'm talking here!" Jules says smacking my shoulder. I flinch and rub it before glaring at her. They've come to understand that I'm not one to speak, and when I do it's rare, like if I'm dying, and I'm not.

     "As I was saying," She says ignoring my glare. "Sam had a date but unfortunately she dumped him at the last moment to go with our friend, Derek."

     "Pssh don't rub it in Jules.." Sam grumbles from up front before turning on the radio and drowning out her words. With a pointed glare, and smack to the back of Sam's head, Jules pulls out 'The Notebook'. It's an old journal that they bought me when I first stopped speaking. If someone were to look through it they would see a lot of one sided conversations.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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