Chapter 6

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[Lex's POV]

You're the reason for everyone's pain, their suffering in life, the voice taunts me with a snarl, menacingly echoing the words.

"It's not true, it's not true," I repeat, trying to refrain from hysterics, whispering in reply.

You're parents don't care about you, you're brother doesn't care, and Finn - Finn only pities you, it practically spits the word 'pities', making me twinge to the bone.

"You're lying," I mutter, my voice cracking as my breath become more shallow.

They stopped trying long ago. You're just his freak sister. He only feels sorry for you; he doesn't want you on his conscience.

My hands cover my ears and I close my eyes tight. I feel tingly, dizzy, and suffocated. Warmth consumes me, but my veins feel like ice.

You're a coward. A coward, Alexis.

"Alexis?" A voice calls urgently from the other side of the door.

I snap back to a normal sitting position. Vaguely, I look around my room, then to the door. I slowly become aware of the wet on my face and touch my fingers to it. They trail down my cheek before I look at the pads of them. I was crying.

"Alexis, are you okay?" The voice seems short of breath and colored with worry.

Was I making noise? Did it hear me cry? Did it hear my whispers? Wait, who's at the door? Is it Finn? I can't tell. I can't tell if it's him. Why can't I tell!

I begin to feel even more panicked, my heart race quickening to an ultimate pace.

"What's wrong? Let me in!" The door knob flickers twice, but is stopped by it's locked state.

I crawl over to the door from my spot in the middle of the room. My hand lays gently on the wood before forming a fist and knocking once. I feel the need to grab paper and a pencil, but push the thought to the back of my mind. I let my voice well up in my throat, preparing myself for a normal-volume.

"Finn?" I manage in a high, hoarse tone.

I hear his hand touch the opposite side of the door, "It's Chandler."

"Chandler..." I repeat, almost at a whisper.

"Finn's almost here."

"Good...that's good."

I let my body fall to the side, laying down and watching Chandler outside of my door. He hasn't come to my door to check that I'm okay since I came in here, and it was a daily thing, a simple check in, not a matter of serious worry that I was physically hurt. How loud was I crying? What did I do that provoked this behavior? He paces in front of the door for a few seconds, followed by a loud exhale.

"I was starting to forget your voice."


"I miss you, Alexis."

He stiffens at the sound of a knock on the door and walks off. I hear faint mumbling, foot steps, more mumbling, a louder "what? when?", more mumbling yet, and finally more footsteps. I watch blue socked feet come into view with speed, then their owner's khaki covered legs cross in front of my door.

"Hi, Lex," The voice says hopefully.


By his breath, I know he's smiling, "Yeah."

I smile to myself at the sound of him, letting myself calm down as the unpleasant feeling of panic pulsing through my body dissipates.

"Are you okay?"

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