Chapter 8

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"Happy birthday, Finn!" Tess and Mom yell as I walk into the living room, my backpack falling off my arm, onto the couch and I smile.

That's what marked the beginning our three hour adventure of cake, presents, and The Walking Dead. 6:34pm staring me back in the face is what ended it.

"Okay," I start, standing from my lounged position on the couch and throwing the pillow I was holding at Tess, "I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back soon."

"Are we too lame for you, Sprout?" Tess laughs, cuddling the pillow to her stomach.

I chuckle, "No, I just thought I'd go visit Lex."

To be honest, I was nervous to go. Like, really nervous. I told her I loved her. I admitted it to myself, to her. It took me half of the drive home to get it out to Scott. I couldn't believe I'd done it.

Mom smiles at me with a lovingly curious expression, "What do you do while you're there?"

I think for a moment, then shrug, "I don't know. I guess I just kind of sit in front of her door and hope she'll say something back." I realize I'm playing with the stone of her necklace and force my to drop my hand. "And if she does, it's almost like normal again."

Mom stares at me for a moment, studying me, before making a humming sound and relaxing back into the love-seat, her smile never fading.

"Alright, well, be safe." Tess chimes in, "We'll be here."

I shoot her a quick smile before heading out, grabbing my keys on the way.

I'm met with Mrs. Cross soon after I knock.

"Hi," I greet with a half-smile.

"Finn," she sighs. "Look we need to talk."

No, please. Don't do this. Not again.

I stare at her as anxiety wells up in my core.

"I know Chandler's been letting you in when we're not home. I don't mind if you come by in moderation, but you can't sit in front of her door forever."

"Mrs. Cross, please-"

"Just, listen," She stops me. "It's not good for you. I know you're having a hard time, but you need to let her play this out. Go be with your friends, spend time with your family. She'll come to you when she's ready."

I bite my lip and a blink a couple of times, "Please, just once more. Once more and I'll do what you ask. Just let me go up there."

"Finn, I can't do that."

You can't do this. I'm making progress. I'm going to convince her to come out. I know I can do it. Not to mention I just told her I love her!

My breathing quickens as I try to think of anything to get her to let me in. And then it hits me.

"Just- One more time. It's my birthday, I just want to spend time with her, even if she's in there," I beg, a desperate expression covering my features.

She seems to contemplate this for a moment, but shakes her head, "I'm sorry."

And the door is closed in my face.

I can't breath. I can't breath. They can't do this. I know I can convince her to come out. I can't breath.

"Please," I whimper a last whisper, staring at the door.

"They can't do that to you!" Tess yells, "Go in anyways!"

"It's their house, Tess. If they say he can't go in, he can't do anything about it," Mom speaks with a level, but deflated tone.

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