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WARNING! This part contains spoilers for The Maze Runner Series and it mentions delicate content. (Attempted suicide) if you are sensible to this please don't read. Please read at your own discretion.

Progress of maze experiment...

Ever since the maze trials had begun, Eliza had asked for permission to watch over the boys. At first they were hesitant to let her but after telling them that she wanted to see how the creations worked they allowed her to stay.

Maybe they also allowed her to see because Thomas ask for a favor and requested that they let her, with the excuse that she could have a different point of view than his, given that she was more inclined towards the science part rather than how the maze worked.

Everyday, Eliza would anxiously anticipate the moment where she could go and watch her friends.

The day started ordinary, or as ordinary as a day on the Glade could be. As soon as the guards locked the door she lets out a relieved sigh and takes a seat.

"Good morning guys." She whispers even though she knew they couldn't hear her.

As she scans the different screens she hurries and looks for Newt. Usually by this time he was already up and in the maze along with the runners, but today was different.

Eliza actually had to use one of the beetle blades to look for him. Her muscles relaxed a little when she found him but he was by himself, sitting on the ground and looking up at the vine covered wall.

Eliza reach out and patted his back through the screen. "I'm sorry Newt." She says. "I'm sorry there's not much I can do."

She watched him sit there for a while until he got up and started climbing the wall.

"Oh my.... Newt what are you doing?" Eliza asks nervously watching the screen. In that moment Newt turn to look at the camera and starts talking.

He know we are watching. She thinks to himself. What should I do? Should I call someone? Can they even stop him on time?

"Newt stop! Don't do it!" It's no use, he can't hear me. Eliza screams as she watches the screen in horror. By now Newt had reached higher ground and he was panting heavily. To Eliza's dismay he let go of the vine and jump onto the ground.

"Nooooooooooooooooo!" Eliza screams as she sees him lying there. "Please get up Newt, please, please....." She says almost begging and she falls to the ground bringing her knees to her chest, letting the tears stream freely.

Then she sits in the dark processing what she just saw.


Even though there was caos outside, when Thomas opened the door he saw her crouched down in a dark corner. In no time Thomas was by her side. He puts his arms around her and wipes her tears. "hey hey hey" he says softly "Eliza look at me" he holds her close making feel safe.

She leans on his shoulder and starts crying heavily. "What happened Liz?" He asks but she just shakes her head and looks at the screen.

Thomas heads towards the screen and watches what Eliza saw feeling his heart grow heavy.

He sits next to her and pats her back with one hand while clenching the other into a fist. We can't keep letting them this to them. Thomas thinks to himself already trying to work on a plan.

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