Chapter Two

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The anticipation was a nervous kind of energy. It tingled through Hermione as she made her way to her office, several minutes early, coffee in hand.

The office was painted cream, and it had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the main road. However, there had been some changes to the interior. Hermione's desk was nowhere to be found, and in its place sat a brand new, wooden two-person desk, with two swivel chairs directly across from each other. There was also now a matching bookshelf, bursting with her books in the corner, along with a stack of papers under a paperweight. On the new desk sat a brand-new supply of quills, parchment and other necessities. She swiftly organised them in anticipation of her new co-worker's arrival.

The rest of her office was just as it was upon her leaving yesterday evening. From the intricate filing system, to the several important documents that were pinned to her notice board.

Hermione realised this whole sharing thing would definitely take some getting used to. She had grown attached to her office in the last two years, and even more so to her own space after her last partner left the department.

Then the door sounded with three loud knocks, scaring Hermione out of her worried reverie.

It then, without warning or Hermione asking, swung open and in walked Draco Malfoy, who didn't look at all surprised to see her. In fact, his smug look revealed to her that he most certainly knew about this. He took a seat on one of the swivel chairs and gave her a lazy grin.

"Would you look who it is!" His voice echoed in the little room.
Meanwhile, Hermione felt as though she was about to lose her breakfast. She gripped the desk tightly for support, feeling as though the universe was playing some cruel joke on her.

"It can't be - no, I mean he wouldn't," Hermione choked out, referring to Kingsley.

"Oh, but he would. In fact, he has... partner," He smirked, his grey eyes surveying their new office.

"No, I refuse to accept it. You have to be here on other business. What are you, the new cleaner here or something?" She cried incredulously, desperately hoping that there had been some kind of mistake.

"Hardly," He snorted, his eyes finally settling on her.

"I should have known. You, Draco Malfoy cleaning up a mess of some sorts? No, that couldn't be, you're usually the one starting them, right?"

"And what about you, Granger?"

"What about me?"

"Exactly... nobody cares. You're nothing but a boring, pretentious-"

"You act like you actually know me..." She sniffed, clearly incensed at the fact that he thought he knew her.

"I only went to school with you for all of seven years," he said, rolling his eyes. "but say what you want, I don't know you at all."

"You act like you actually talked to me without an insult being thrown," she said with a fake laugh, her patience gone.

"You weren't exactly the nicest person either..." He snapped, giving her a steely look.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I never bullied you," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You punched me in the face!" He yelled.

"You deserved it," she snapped.

"And?" Was all he replied.

She raised her eyebrows. "You admit that you deserved it?"

"I guess so," He replied sheepishly.

"That's your side of the room," Hermione told him crisply, the conversation changing in mere seconds.

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