Chapter Three

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A/N: We are happy to bring yall entertainment during these boring, quarantine times. Hang on in there everybody, life will soon slowly return to normal ❤️

The office was rather quiet this morning, save for Draco's humming, whistling and constant shuffling of parchment that littered his desk.

"Of course, you break all the rules." Hermione grumbled, wrinkling her nose as a piece of his parchment came onto her side of the desk. She cautiously pushed it back to his side, using the end of her quill as if the parchment was going to burn her.

"This is so tedious," He groaned, slumping back on his chair and looking up at the ceiling. "I'd nearly give you some cat ears, and drag you off to the obliviating room," He smirked. "And if the rumours are true, I suppose it won’t be your first time as a kitty, would it Granger?"

Hermione immediately scowled at the memory, glaring daggers at him. "Don't you even think about trying anything with me. I'd hex your manly bits off, in ten seconds flat." She sniffed, looking back down at her work.

"Anything to get in my pants hm, Granger? Bit forward, aren't you?" He snickered, wiggling his eyebrows as she shot him a look of disgust.

"There'd be nothing left in your pants if I put my mind to it." She smiled maliciously. "But I can't imagine there being much now."

Whilst the pair had come to a silent agreement earlier that morning to hate each other’s presence in silence – it of course, did nothing to prevent their squabbling. However, it put a lid on Hermione's loathing for the blond... At least for a time.

"Never provoke a snake, Granger, you never know when they'll bite, " Malfoy gave her a wolfish grin, to which she replied with a cold, flat stare.

"Interesting outfit, by the way," He commented, raising an eyebrow at the confused brunette. "I do believe the skirt is slightly shorter than yesterdays. Congratulations." He chuckled, wanting to get under her skin.

"Wow, aren't you sweet," She snapped sarcastically. "Maybe every day, you can measure my skirt for me."

"Honestly, I would love to. Except I think I'd go cross eyed from the sheer amount of measuring--"

Draco was interrupted, both of them startled by a knock on the door. Hermione cleared her throat in an attempt to sound professional, fixing her desk quickly.

"Come in." She called out, as if she wasn't arguing with the blond git just a few moments ago.

Laurie Derriere ducked her head in and surveyed the scene. She had clearly heard their raised voices from outside – great!

Tucking her blonde hair behind her ear, she cleared her throat and began speaking, "Mr. Weasley, would like to see you. Should I let him in?" She asked, eyes surveying Draco curiously.

"Which one?" Draco drawled, rolling his eyes. "Merlin knows there's about five of them."

Hermione turned to Draco and a giggling Laurie, fixing them both with a glare.

"Shut it!" she huffed in Draco’s direction, earning a sneer from Malfoy. "You can let him in." Hermione then told Laurie, who's role in the department was only part time. She found herself significantly less fond of the other girl, for her ogling of her irritating co-worker.

Laurie disappeared quickly to get Ronald. Hermione then began to panic internally, realising that she hadn't told Ron about her new co-worker. Oh merlin, she hoped he would be civil. Her mind went into overdrive as she thought of all the possibilities that could occur, most of which ending with the two of them in a brawl.

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