Chapter Six

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“Well?” Draco said, eyeing up the crazy witch before him. “Are you satisfied yet?”

Draco felt like his head was literally about to explode from the sheer shit storm that was the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. He didn’t know if it was humanly possible for a brain to turn to mush from overuse, but if it was he was nearly there.

Draco watched his co-worker’s eyes dart abnormally fast, scanning for even the slightest error in their extensive filing system. Once satisfied, she turned to him and finally responded to his question.

“I suppose it will have to do,” Hermione sniffed still not enthralled, looking around the office for any stray documents.

“You’ve only had us working excessively for the past few days, weekend included – and you’re seriously telling me that you’re not impressed?” Draco said incredulously, staring at his co-worker who still looked like a woman on a mission. “We redone the entire filing system, replied to all necessary correspondence and we cleaned our office from top to bottom. I also spent my entire weekend reviewing paperwork, so, I’m not about to let you underestimate our sheer effort.”

“Fine,” Hermione admitted finally, taking a seat at their desk. “I guess we did least under the murky circumstances.”

The two finally revelled in the silence and the calm now that their duties were complete. They relaxed in wait of the department head, who would be around soon for their office inspection.

“So, what’s the head like?” Draco asked Hermione, as he peered curiously at her. “Judging by your reaction she must be terrifying.”

“Well, her name is Evelyn Warbeck. She is extremely professional, dedicated and I guess a real hard ass. She won’t take any backtalk from you, and your supposed charm won’t work on her,” Hermione stated, smirking at the nervous look that Malfoy now sported. “My advice to you is to watch your tongue, be respectful and to pretend for a little while that you’re not a pompous prick.”

“Whoa, Granger. Every time we talk, I just feel better and better about myself. Did you know that?” Draco responded sarcastically, feigning offence.

“She is also very fair, and a personal role model if I do say so myself,” Hermione continued, sporting a look of admiration as she continued her praise. “I hope to follow in her footsteps one day by becoming head of the department. Hence, my need for utter perfection today.”

“So, if I act like a try hard... I’ll be set?” Draco mocked, rolling his eyes at her.

“I’m not a try hard, Malfoy. I’m merely someone who cares about their job, and their future,” She retorted back, getting increasingly more irritated as the conversation went on.

“Whatever you say, but you may want to lie down by the door – because I’m sure the head’s going to want a doormat of sorts to walk in on,” Draco mocked, smirking at her look of outrage.

“I am not a doormat, but I don’t know why I’m even defending myself anyways, because it’s not like you actually know a real thing about me,” Hermione replied, confident in herself and her abilities.

“We only went to school together for how many years? But you’re right I know nothing—” Draco ranted, rolling his eyes at the fussy brunette.

“Don’t finish that! Don’t even try to pretend we were friends. You were nothing but a bully who lived to tear me and my friends down,” Hermione said, cutting across her co-worker. “Every insecurity I have… started with you and your bullying! I just want you to know that. In fact, I daresay that I never want you to forget it. So, what do you have to say about that you pompous arse?”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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