8 years in the future

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However 8 years in the future we find Kai and Maya just waking up from the attack sent by Lokar.

Agh ...where am I  groaned kai. His eyes flickered open to see his Blue haired companion leaning over him.

Kai I'm so glad you're ok Maya Sighed in relief. What in the hell happened.

I don't Know May let's have a look around ... is Boomer ok Kai suggested.

Um Kai there's a problem boomers nowhere be seen Maya answered.

Wait what? What do u mean he can't of just disappeared. Kai looked around to see where his best mate should have been but Maya was right he wasn't there

Ok this is very strange... What if Lokar has taken him whilst we were out Kai said sounding quite angry.

Well if he has, he defiantly going to pay for what he is going to do or what he has don't to boomer but first let's have a look around and see what we can find Maya confirmed.

Kai and Maya walked through the battered gates of Kieran's castle only to see the ruins and what was left of it

What happened ...

Before Maya could finish Kai had put a hand over her mouth and told her to be quiet.

Someone's over there he said pointing to one of the corners where a tower used to be. Follow me and stay quiet, we don't know who it could be, for all we know it could be E-teens.

Maya nodded in agreement and followed her team mate into the shadows.

When they got close enough to see the strangers faces. They were very surprised to see who it was.

It wasn't E-teens, it was just 3 girls hanging around a fire, just hanging at the ruins of Kieran McCann's castle.

The girls

These girls looked about the same age. One had blonde hair  that was tied in a plat she was quite tall and wore blue jeans, white top with a black leather jacket over the top, she was also wearing black fingerless gloves. Her eyes were bright blue and  the end of her blonde hair was dip dyed purple.

He second girl was a little shorter then he blonde hair girl, she had purple-hair with green highlights and green eyes. She wore black leggings with blue shorts over the top and a deep green jumper. White trainers with green detail and her hair was let down and falling nicely just below her shoulders.

The final girl was about the same height as the red head girl. She had deep blue eyes and  brown hair with blue highlights which was tied up into a ponytail and wore black leggings and a blue top and a black jacket.

Kai and Maya decided to sit there and watch these girls for a while before going to talk to them. Then suddenly the brown haired girl did something that made Kai and Maya gasp in surprise. What they saw was the girl had put her hand just above a little puddle of water beside her, suddenly the water stared to ripple, then started to move up towards her hand creating different shapes with it and then freezing it completely into an ice heart.

Freya stop!... Exclaimed the blonde girl

What is it Skyla Freya said confusingly?

I think someone's over there pointing to were Kai and Maya where sat stay quiet a sec you two Demanded Skyla

Then she stood up and walked a little closer to where the two teens where sat. "Come out and we promise we won't hurt you Skyla called.

Shoot they spotted use said a rather disappointed Kai. What are we going to do?

Exactly what they say Maya whispered. Then Maya slowly stood up and stepped out into the sun a few minutes later Kai had joined her.

Who are you and what are you doing here? Skyla questioned.

I'm...I'm Maya  and this is my team mate and best friend Kai and believe me when we say we don't really no where we are or how we got here.

Skyla gave a quick glance to her friends and said its ok I believe you come and sit with us oh and I'm Skyla.

Team Stax walked over were the two girls were sat around a little fire then sat down them self's.

The one with the purple hair Skyla started to say "that's Katie and the other girl is Freya.

So said kai what is this this place.

Well my young friend Freya said with a smile you are currently sat in the ruins of a castle. The great king Kieran McCann's in fact.

Kai and Maya looked at each other in horror.

Then Maya spoke... How... how could this happen in a few hours we were just at his castle earlier on today

A few hours Skyla joked this castle has been like this for over 7 years and king Kieran has been dead for at least 4 of those years.

Hag on a sec sky ... Katie said I think I know who guys are.

Ohh what are you on about not Katie questioned Skyla.

I mean if they said they no Kieran McCann and they said their names were Kai and Maya. Don't they remind you of the two kids form the famous team Stax that went missing?

I see where u going there kit Skyla suggested. But there's only one person who will know for sure.

Then the three girls jumped to here feet and gestured Kai and Maya to follow them

A troublesome quest Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant