Chapter 6: Our First Time

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"Well, good." Rainbow said. "'Cuz, um... well, me and Firestar... well, we're not exactly 'inexperienced' with each other, I guess you could say."

"Happy birthday!!" Everypony yelled to me, as I entered the living room.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed in surprise. I hadn't known anyone was even here, much less waiting for me!

Firestar emerged from the crowd of bodies, and ran up to me. He gave me a great big hug, and pecked my cheek. "Happy birthday, Dash!" He said.

I blushed. "You realize you just did that in front of everypony, right?" I mumbled, smiling.

He smiled. "We've been dating for over a year, now." He replied. "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be surprised by a small kiss."

I shrugged. "True enough. So come here." I grabbed him, and pulled into a true kiss, right on the lips.

Someone made a cat-call whistle. I turned him so I could fake-glare at the crowd.


After a few minutes of socializing, my dad yelled out "Time for presents!"

Everypony cheered, including me. What? Who doesn't like getting birthday presents?

We scrambled to get ourselves into a huddle, in the living room. I hadn't noticed them all being dropped off, but apparently, quite a stack of presents was sitting in one corner of the room, wrapped up like it was Hearth's Warming.

We got to unwrapping presents. I enthusiastically thanked everypony for each one. At one point, Firestar got up to go to the bathroom. Coincidentally, the next present was yet another from him. Windfall persuaded me to open it now, and thank him later.

It was a package. Looked like leaves, or something. I read the inscription, and froze, my face burning. I got up. "I need to talk to him, in private." I stated, walking out of the room.



I exited the bathroom, and found a red-faced Rainbow. She looked both embarrassed and angry. She held up a package of what looked like a bunch of random leaves. "What the hay is this?" She asked.

"Uh... leaves?" I said, hesitantly. "I don't know."

She pointed at the inscription, and exclaimed "You gave it to me!"

"What?" My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "No I didn't." I read the inscription. I gasped, and my face went red. Moon Tea, pre-made. Just needs water. "That's not from me!" I exclaimed.

"The packaging had your name on it." Dash stated.

"Then I just got framed." I said.

"By who?" She asked. "Who would give us this?"

"I don't know." I replied. "Your dad?"

She jerked her head back. "Why would dad give us this?" She replied. "I know he helped us get together, but there are still some thing he wouldn't even consider doing."

"Well, I don't have the faintest clue." I said.

She sighed, and ran a hoof through her mane. "Let's just go back to the party, and pretend this never happened."

"Sounds good."


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