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Rainbow and I had been happily married for about ten years. We'd had our trials, but we barreled through every one of them, together. We'd had our joyful moments, and they'd been made better by being around each other, sharing the moments, together. We'd had our accomplishments, and we'd celebrated them, together. Speaking of accomplishments...

"Daddy!" A filly's voice shouted. I blinked from my reminiscing, and saw a little, rainbow-streaked pegasus filly running out of the school, and into my waiting forehooves.

I picked her up and spun her around. "That's my filly!" I said joyfully.

Spectrum, Rainbow and I's daughter, giggled, and accepted the hug. "Whee!" She exclaimed, upon being spun.

"So," I began, "how'd it go?"

"How did what go?" Spectrum asked, smirking. She was playing with me.

I smiled. "How did the 'worst test in the history of Equestria' go? Did you pass?"

She smiled so wide, her face almost seemed to split in two. "I got an A!"

"Whoo hoo!" I cheered her. "Great job, Spectrum! You make Mom and I proud!" I picked her up. "Come on. Let's go home; Mom's waiting for us. I hear she's making your favorite dish..." I teased, trailing off.

Spectrum gasped. "Really? No way! Awesome!"

I chuckled. "Hold on tight!" I took off. Spectrum was cheering and giggling the whole way home.

I smiled, content. I'm happily married to the mare of my life and dreams, and we've got a smart, beautiful, joyful filly. What could be better?

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