The Tale of Lily and Kio (I)

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The girl, finishing her story goes back to her place silently and nestles comfortably in her spot.

The next volunteer stood up immediately.

With a confident voice, he began his story.


This is a story about a night stalker named Lily and a dawn treader named Kio.

Night stalkers and dawn treaders were always at war with each other. 

The dawn treaders were more powerful but the night stalkers made up for their lack of power with fast movements and ingenious tactics.

Lily is night stalker kid who thought differently from her friends. 

Why can't the dawn treaders and the night stalkers just negotiate peace?

Revenge is a path that has no ending.

In many ways, Lily is more mature than the adults of her tribe. 

Her parents were killed by a dawn treader but she didn't think of compensation. She always believed that the dawn treaders and the night stalkers were alike. The night stalkers and the dawn treaders are like two sides of the same coin. 

The night stalkers excelled in medicine and the dawn treaders were proficient in war. They could become the perfect society if they weren't so busy killing each other.

Kio, on the other hand, was obsessed with revenge. His uncle, the one who took him in after his parents died, was killed by a night stalker and he was determined to set things right.

He joined the military and on his first solo mission, he had to kill a night stalker. He succeeded but he became lost in the night stalker territory. 

Lily found him and in an act of peace, she led him back to his superiors.

Kio was touched by this act of goodwill and thought that maybe, maybe not all night stalkers were cold blooded killers like the dawn treaders made them out to be.

He swore an oath to Lily for letting him live, he gave her a keepsake from his uncle and he swore to find her and pay her back properly. Kio Faitlin always repays his debts.

When he left after being called by his fellows, Lily looked at the keepsake gingerly.

She was not so stupid as to take something without expecting a trap. Of course, she thought differently from others but that didn't mean the dawn treader was not trying to lure her into a trap.

After some poking, she took the keepsake and took her necklace from around her neck. She left it on the same spot as Kio's keepsake before she left in fear of discovery.

Kio came back and saw the necklace that Lily left. He took it and soon, he began to question his quest for revenge.

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