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A few days passed and me and Kyle are super close now. I haven't been in my cat form for a while. It's nice not being a cat or that monster I am. For once I feel like a normal teenage girl. And to top it all off. I got ACCEPTED into the defence force academy. When I got the letter I was jumping around screaming exited. And happy. But I forgot about Kyle. He can't live more than a week without me. So after talking with the academy. I don't have to live on campus because of all the people who put in good comments about me. And I start in 6 months. I'm so exited.

I skipped down the stairs before I tiered up my hair into a pony tail. I went to the kitchen grabbed my jacket pulling it on over my sports bra and grabbing my water bottle. Kyle was still asleep but knows I leave early for gym. I jogged to the gym and worked out their for about and hour and than jogged back. But when I got there a car was parked out the front. Black SUV. Not good. I thought. I went around to the back and changed into angel going inside. I walked into the lounge room. Jake was yelling at some guy.

"Listen here boy. You will direct me to where your hiding trinity or I'll kill you all"

"Why should we. Just cause she is the daughter of a supernatural whore. Doesn't mean we should tell you where she is." Paul was keeping Kyle back.

"Sir. Her sent leads to the gym." They left. I went and changed getting dressed. Kyle growled and went to leave to go find me.

"Kyle in here" he looked at me and calmed down instantly. "Your back already"

"It's 6:05 same time I get back every day." He chuckled nodding. He came over hugging me I hugged him back.

"You got another letter from the academy" jack said handing it to me. I opened it and read over it. The rejected my application now. I went and called then up.

"Hello defence force academy" a last said

"Hey. I'm trinity-"

"Oh yes. Your probably calling about your rejection after you got accepted. Well we had so many applications this year and one came in late and pushed you out of the running for acceptance. It also states in the previous letter that your acceptance was temporary. now if that's all good day" she hung up on me. I put the phone down and ripped up the letter. Kyle watched me. I leaned against the bench. Them guys turned up again. They saw me and tried to take me but I knocked them both out. Kyle didn't dare to speak. But he did come over and hug me calming me down. I sighed and relaxed into him. The guys woke up and got up growling.

"Trinity your under arrest by order of the vampire prince. The crime you are being accused for is murdering his mate." I glared

"If I did kill his mate she must have been a threat to me." Kyle pulled me back away from them. My uncle walked in

"It's wasn't murder. Trinity was in my sight all day when the princes mate was murdered. I have servalence videos if you would like to see them." The guys growled leaving. I went up to my room Kyle left me alone. He hates it when I yell.

"Someone get trinity put of here!" jake yelled. I ran down stairs looking at another wolf pack here.

"She will be remove from here. Either by will or by force." The alpha barked growling at me. Kyle stood in front of me. I was looking at my uncle beat up on the ground. He nodded. I looked at my bracelets then to him. His eyes closed. I went to slip them off but a hand was placed on mind. I looked up and saw my aunt.

"Not yet" she whispered. She is dead tho. I watch as she vanished. I looked at the wolves. They growled. Tension filled the air.

"Hand her over" the guy growled.

"No" jake growled back. The guy lunged at jake. They started fighting. Jake and thrown put the window. Stephanie ran to him. My side hurt I looked down an arrow had hit me. I ripped it out.

"Now" my aunt said. I ripped my bracelets off. I moved forward looking at the guy I smirked. I shifted into a black panther growling.

The kind badass *finished*Where stories live. Discover now