Chapter 1 ~ Seeking Destiny

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"You are my Alpha mate." she says to him.

"And you are my little Feline baby girl." he whispers in her ear. The closeness of his lips to her is almost unbearable. The feel of his warm breath on her neck was inviting to say the least.

"Yes I am", she barely manages to whisper in return as his presence overcomes her.



As she looked around her empty room she could hardly believe she actually was doing it.. She was heading out to find her destiny.

It had been two years since she graduated high school and even though she took almost all college courses to prepare her for a job straight out of high school, she struggled to find a job that suited her. That is until she finally secured a job with a prestigious law firm in the next town. However, after only a month there she was offered a promotion which would take her to another state... A place she pretty much knew no one.

She had thought long and hard about the offer. Had made two trips to Maine to meet the managing partners, and the more she visited the more she felt it deep in her core... She belonged there. Something was calling her to be there, but she didn't quite yet understand what.

"Rayvyn, are you sure you don't want us to come with you to help you settle in?" her mother called to her from the next room. She had never gone this far from home and her parents worried for her. They had reached out to the coven in Maine and made sure she was secured a place to stay with people to watch over her and continue to teach her about her powers.. Her past... And most importantly her future. "No mom, thanks, I'm sure I'll be fine" she called back.

As she closed the door to her bedroom her parents greeted her in the hall. "My my have you grown. You will be amazing kitten." her father told her as he choked back the tears. Just thinking of his daughter running off to Maine on her own scared him to death, but he knew he had to let her find her way in this crazy world and she needed his support. "Oh you look so .. So..." her mom began to cry. "Mom please. I'll be 21 next month. I'm ready for this, and soon as I'm all settled in you and dad will come visit". Her mom just smiled and gave her a big hug.

"Come on now" her dad called,"you don't want to miss your flight." As they walked out the door she couldn't help feel a chill rush over her. It was that same radiating chill she felt each time she visited Maine. She smiled at the small house she called home and skipped down the steps like a school girl running off to play. Something inside her simply couldn't wait to get to Maine.

In the car her parents carried on about how to read people, how not to trust anyone, remember you are different, they kept saying.. You have to protect your secret dear.. And on and on... To her it was almost silent in the car. Her thoughts took her off to somewhere else. Somewhere she could feel that undeniable pull that tugged at her very core and drew her to Maine. She couldn't wait to get there. She wanted to find what pulled at her ... what drew her to this place so far from home.

"Rayvyn! Are you listening?" her mom shouted out. "This is important kitten, you are NOT just an ordinary shape shifter.. You are"... "Yeah yeah I know, I am the Luna reincarnated ~ shifter of all covens, and I am destined for great things." she said cutting her mother off mid sentence.

"Don't interrupt your mother like that" her father scoulded her. "You may be an adult but you will respect the order of things and you will respect your mother." "Sorry dad. Sorry mom. I'm just anxious." she stated apologetically.


Rayvyn wasn't like other shape shifters, when she changed she shifted into a very large, very beautiful white snow leopard. She had only shifted once when she reached of age, as was tradition for any shifter at their coming of age celebration, but that was enough for the council of their little coven to realize she was different. She held the greatest and purest powers of all shifters. No matter where she went she was in charge of all covens. It was only by her grace that Alphas remained as heads of their packs. It has been that way for centuries. No Luna descendent ever abused her status, but no one ever mistook her greatness either.

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