Chapter 9 ~ Stolen Moment

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Chapter 9

Lance had no idea why she wanted to change into something else, she looked amazing already, but nonetheless he needed to change also and figured it was a good idea he didn't do that with her around. He was already struggling to keep his composure and the last thing he wanted was to be alone at his place with her while trying to get dressed, knowing she was there.

He headed into his unit waiving once more to her and called over "see ya in a bit". She flashed him her sweetest smile and thought to herself 'damn straight you will'. "See you soon" she called back and then went into her unit.

Lance walked through the door and headed down the hall to his room. He took his shirt off and stood looking in his closet. His thoughts just kept circling over every inch of this sweet beautiful being that now lived next door. ... "Lance?!? Where you at?" Oh my goodness it was her already. 'Shit that was fast' he thought.. He looked at his watch and realized he'd been standing there for almost 20 minutes. 'Ugh' he sighed to himself. I need to get moving. He walked out to the kitchen for a drink and to let her know he'd be ready in a minute.

"Kitchen." he called out to her "just come up the hall, you can't miss it." She strolled down the hall looking at the family photos hanging along the way. All the different milestones in Lance's life. He was adorable. She smiled to herself as she continued walking. As she reached the kitchen doorway she was saying "you were really a cute..." and she stopped. Lance looked up and paused 'goodness she was amazing' he thought. "Hey beautiful" he said just looking at her and smiling.

There he stood in front of her in true Greek god form, wearing his baseball cap backwards and no shirt on... NO SHIRT. She was practically breathless. He was tall, handsome and muscular. His perfectly shaped abs were dreamy and the way his jeans sat on his hips gave her chills. He was the most amazing man she'd ever seen.

She stood there just staring at his half naked body. She wanted more than anything to be close to him, but she forced herself to stop at the door and she just looked at him with pure lust in her eyes, hoping he couldn't read them from where he stood. [Her eyes seemed unable to keep secrets. They were unique and managed to always give away what she was thinking.] She just smiled to herself.. She really didn't care at the moment. All she knew was Lance was sweet, kind, helpful and absolutely hot as hell and she just couldn't get enough of him.

Suddenly he realized he hadn't put his shirt on yet and apologetically said "sorry about that, let me get a shirt". She leaned against the door frame and smiled so lovely it made his heart skip a beat, and looking at him flirtily she replied "no worries, I kinda like the view." Lance took a deep breath, and trying to hide the goofy smile he now had on his face, he just looked her over. She still looked innocent and sexy as hell in her grey tank with the grey sweater over it. Her long auburn hair practically glowed and her green eyes seemed to be even brighter when she smiled at him. Oh and her smile.. So sweet and beautiful she lit up the room.

The two of them stood there for a moment and as Lance looked at her willing himself to keep control, she looked at him and asked "is something wrong? Do I look okay?" She suddenly seemed a little unsure of herself. "Why would you ask that? You look amazing. No one that will be there will even come close to matching the likes of you. Mark my words beautiful, you will be the highlight of the race." he smiled again and then chuckled saying "I might have to sit this one out just to make sure no one tries to steal ya." Lance tried to sound like he was joking but deep down he wanted to be by her side every moment be could.

"Don't be silly Lance" she started "there couldn't possibly be anyone else I'd want to be with." Rayvyn couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. She had always been a very honest person but man this was a whole different situation, and yet deep down she was kinda glad to be able to say it out loud.

Lance just beamed at the thought. 'Oh Luna please let that be true' he thought. Then with the most charming smile ever he looked at Rayvyn and said "let me get a shirt so we can get rolling." She smiled and nodded in agreement.

Minutes later he was back in the kitchen. He reached for her hand and said "let's go beautiful". She gladly took his hand and followed him to the car. His very touch sent a feeling of electricity through her body. It was an amazing feeling and she didn't want to let go of his hand but as he opened her door she didn't have much other choice.

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