Bad Day

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*Whistle Blows*

" Devyn! You need to watch for that screen! What is going on with you?" 

'I am sorry coach it hasn't been a good week... Can I get some water, I am not feeling well?'

"You have five minutes, make it quick" 

'Got it coach, thanks. '

"Hey Dev, wait up!"

I turn around to see Alli running after me. 

"Hey Dev, are you ok? You love basketball and you just seem so out of it, what's wrong?" 

'It's just... well you know we are moving houses, you are going to be leaving for your dance competition, Hayes will be going on tour soon and to top it off Coach is being really hard on me. It's just so much so fast, I don't know if I can take it.'

"Devyn, I will be here for you always and you know Hayes absolutely adores you so you don't have to worry about him. Let me let you in on a little secret..."

'Okay, what is it?'

"Coach is being tough on you because you he knows you can do better. You are a fantastic basketball player and he just doesn't want it to get to your head. He really cares about you."

'Really? Ok, well I guess I should get back out there before he yells at me.'

"I'll tell you what, when practice is over we can go get a bite to eat then I will help you pack up your room"

'Okay, let's go!'

- An Hour Later- 

"Now that practice is over and we showered, are you ready to go get some food?"

'Of course, who am I to say no to food? Let's go!!'

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