Chapter 16: Escape 4-12-16

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After waiting for a lengthy time, we finally had our chance and went through the room with books and maps. As we walked into the room, we observed that the table had collapsed over on top of one of the orcs. Good thing we hadn't stayed in that room. The orc that was under the table had a knife through his head. There was glass shattered all around him. The other orc was nowhere in sight.

Merry walked over to the dead orc body under the table and cautiously pulled the knife out of its head. With a disgusted face, he scrapped the knife on the white table cloth to get all the blood off it.

"This might come in handy later. Now we both have one," Merry said putting the knife on his own belt.

After he was done, we peeked into the main circular room. Nobody was in it, so we walked in. Merry had the Orthanc map in hand and pointed towards the South door. That was our way out. Freedom was so close, yet so far away. We had no idea what we would see on the other side of that door. Guards? White wizard? An army of orcs? That door was the tallest and most designed door out of the four in this room. Big and black.

We approached it slowly. We stood in front of it for a moment both wondering who would take the first move. Eventually, Merry reached up and pulled back the black handle. He only pulled it open a little crack. We both looked out the door and there lay freedom.

The sun was blinding for a minute since we hadn't seen the bright ball in the sky for a couple days. Wind swooshed by, making us squint. Once our vision came back to normal, we looked upon a white path leading out of Isengard. On either sides of the path, there was an awful sight of what looked like a wasteland.

We stepped out of the door and closed it behind us. Walking out from the doors a little ways, we could see enormous ditches in the ground. There was colored smoke billowing out of the ditches and into the bright navy sky. Fire could also be seen and large wooden wheel type objects too that were really big and spun around noisily.

The sound and smell was almost as bad as the scenery. It smelt like death and smoke. The sounds were unbearably loud. Loud horns, crashing, booming, yelling, spinning wheel things dropping piles of wood and stone down into the bottomless ditches. The only good thing about this situation was that there was no sign of orcs. From all the noise coming from the ditches, we imagined and hoped all the orcs were down there.

"I think we should run across the path as quickly as possible. What do you think?" Merry pointed towards the white dirt path that led out of Isengard.

"I think you are right, we have no other choice," I responded after thinking about what he had said.

"Okay," Merry said. He folded the map of Orthanc he was holding and slipped it into my bag, "Alright, you ready?" he asked crouching down getting ready to run.

I nodded, getting ready as well.

"Pretend this is a game of tag... and... YOU'RE IT! GO!" Merry shouted and bolted forward jumping off the small case of stairs making a funny noise.

Surprised, I ran after him laughing.

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