Loser #62

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I waited at the park for 30 minutes. The hoe wasnt coming.

Ewdonttouchme: where you at hoe?

Hoshit: where am i at?

Hoshit: hoe where you at?

Ewdonttouchme: Im at XX park side hoe

Hoshit: Im at XX park too hoe


Hoshit: I thought we had somthin bby ;-;

Ewdonttouchme: yeah side hoe #62

Ewdonttouchme: thought

Hoshit: #62????

Hoshit: how many side hoes u got??? ;-;

Ewdonttouchme: so where are you?

Hoshit: dOnt ChAnge tHe suBjEct

Ewdonttouchme: wait I see a loser in the middle of the park

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Ewdonttouchme: lol that high quality tho

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Ewdonttouchme: lol that high quality tho

Ewdonttouchme: wait loser looks lost

Hoshit: loser is lost

Ewdonttouchme: hoe how would you know?

Hoshit: cuz loser is me asshat

Ewdonttouchme: dam

Ewdontouchme: well....

Ewdonttouchme: hoshit

Hoshit: hoshit is right hoe

Hoshit: yo pimp is here mootha fooka

Ewdonttouchme: imma go run home now

Ewdonttouchme: bye hoe

One more chapter to go guys. Hope you guys are okay with how this story was because the texting parts even made me say wtf

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