Chapter One

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Jack Kelly was born with the sea in his blood and the love of his country in his heart. He had one thing on his mind, and one thing only: and that was to sail. Sail anywhere and everywhere, exploring new lands and finding new adventures was all Jack wanted to do.

He'd been born in New York City to a slut named Gwyneth and a sailor named none other than Jack Kelly Sr. After Jacks father left his mother she gave Jack up for adoption and landed him in a convent where he was raised with a dozen other boys his age. He learned to fight, and to be brave, and most importantly that's where he met Joseph Pulitzer. The man had been Jacks closest thing to a father, even though Jack actually hated him and he hated Jack. At the age of 12 Pulitzer had ordered Jack on his first mission at sea. Well... it wasn't really a 'mission' at the time but that's what Jack liked to call them. Delivering crates of wine across the Hudson River wasn't exactly official country business but Jack loved every moment of it.

The first time Jack had sailed across the real sea he had been when he was 15 years old, and almost instantly he could do anything and everything that needed to be done. Set the sails? Done. Man the mast? Done. Get the barrings? Done. And his personally favorite... steering the wheel. 

Like his father before him the ocean was in his blood, and he could hardly wait to see the rest of it.

"I'm not trying to downsize your authority! I'm just sayin' I'm ready to do something more than just deliver a crate across the ocean." Jack complained jumping down from the boxes of cargo he'd been sitting on.

"I'd like to remind you Kelly that with out us, there would be no America. Trade amoung Europe is crucial to our society." Pulitzer countered trying his best to ignoring Jacks presences as he over saw the other crew members at work. They were busy preparing for yet another trip across the sea where England would be waiting for there quarterly supply of alcohol.

"Fine then, keep going in the same direction your whole life." Jack said sarcastically the sun above glinting off his jet black hair as he walked up to Pulitzer. "But at least let me sign up with the Red Fury." Jack all but begged.

"Just because they have a cooler name than us does not mean they are doing anything better than us. They deliver woman's corsets if that is something your intrested in." Pulitzer said stiffly his voice cold. His Captian uniform was blue and white and his chest shone brightly with medals that he would never tell Jack about.

"Actually yes." Jack said irritably. "I'd rather hang around woman's underwear than sit on this foul smelling ship for another pass."

"Of course you would." Pulitzer said finally turning his cold eyes on the boy. "But that still doesn't mean I'm going to let you sail with the Red Furry."

Jack clenched his jaw in annoyance. "I am 19 years old, and I am not your son. You can't tell me what to do." Jack snapped ready to pull out his sword.

"You are correct." Pulitzer said his voice empty. "I am not your father, but I am your Captain and you will obey my orders."

That was a dirty card to pull with Jack. The sailors code was something he would live by for the rest of his life and breaking it was not on the top of his list of things to do.

"Yes, sir." Jack said trying with all his might to put as much mock into the word as possible. He turned on his heel and hurried down the steps to the main deck where the boys were preparing the sails.

"What'd he say Jackie boy?" The youngest boy of the crew asked, supported by a crutch.

"It's a no go Crutchie, I'm stuck here boys." Jack said to the group of boys that had gathered to hear the story.

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