Chapter Nine

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"I hear a kiss from a Mermaid can save a man from drowning." One of the boys said as Jack paced across the deck. It had been three days since Katherine's last visit and Jack was beginning to wonder if he'd ever see her again.

"No ya idiot! That's just a myth!" Another boy countered.

"Yeah, an so we're Mermaids! Now look where we are!"

Jack wasn't sure if what they said was correct, an to be honest Jack had no desire to see if he could now breath under water. He hadn't even wanted to get in the since Katherine's last visit. Not to mention the boys had now started to listen to Weasel and his evil nephews. There was something off about them... Jack coudn't put his finger on it. He would often find the three of them whispering things to each other and pointing at him like he was a puzzle piece in their plan. It made Jack paranoid and uneasy.

He'd never wished for Pulitzers recovery more than in that moment.

"All hands below deck!" Jack ordered as he watched the sun sink below the calm waves.

"But Jack-"

"That's Captain Jack to you." He countered Albert who gave him a glare and muttered something that didn't make Jack feel any better. "Bed. All of you. One hour."

"Oh?" Henry countered. "An what are you gonna do up here while we get ready for bed?"

"Yeah Jack!"

"Awe come on boys, he's gonna stay up and wait around for his Mermaid girlfriend!" Race sniggered to the rest making them all howl with laughter.

Jack clenched his jaw and unsheathed his sword as quick as a whip pressing it violently against Races throat in a flash of blinding rage.

"What was that?" Jack asked through his teeth.

The entire deck fell silent and everyone held their breath as Race struggled for an answer.

"N-nothing, I didn't mean it!" He said shoving Jack away.

Jack gave them all a reproachful glare before putting his sword back in its sheath.

"Bed. Now."

They didn't question this time.

Jack let out a deep breath of air he'd been holding and turned back to the gentle water. In all honesty Race had been correct, he was waiting up for Katherine, he had to see her again. They were proabaly going to die here anyway, so why coudn't he die happy and get to see her face once again? An not to mention her bare chest...

Jack shook his thoughts of dirty images and tried to remind himself that she was a Mermaid, not a human. Not that he minded one bit, she was too wonderful and perfect to be the nasty creatures Pulitzer spoke of. Then again... seeing Katherine's mother, he could now believe Mermaids could be freighting.

"Why do I always find you like this?"

Jack almost toppled forwards into the water at the velvety voice, he felt a wet hand against his chest as his balanced was steadied. He got a nose full of that sweet perfume/see weed smell that only one creature could contain.


An once again, he found himself cut off by her lips, this time it seemed more forceful than he'd ever felt her kiss him before and he almost toppled over again. His lungs burned again, but this time it was less of a fire and more of a warm, gentle stove. He felt dazed as she pulled away and he felt his belt stutter as he tried to ask her a million questions at once. Instead of asking her the important questions, he found himself loosing control of his mouth.

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