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When a being is above a certain age, they are allowed to showcase their talents and try-out for the League of Knights. This League isthe protectors of the land and the Ministry Guard. Some beings wait over a hundred years to try out while others such as the humans wait eighteen years.

Although the wait is different, each species, whether Dwarve or Elf, are regarded equally and each have as much eagerness as the ones before them, and those after.


The third sun, Eros, was setting. The green striped the sky and formed a gradient with the dark black of the night. Stars glimmered like thousands of gemstones far away and Elanil lay on her back on the grass, just gazing up. Her white blond hair fanned around her face like a halo. Her gut churned with an anxiety that constantly reminded her of the next day and everything that could go wrong.

The League of Knights had opened their gates, and she was to prove herself in their recruitment. She had turned two-hundred and ten years a month and a half ago, the starting age for enrolment, and was chosen to go and present herself to the Knights.

The tree’s bordering the Trovian woods seemed to be dancing in the moonlight, the glowing leaves sweetly inviting anyone into the forest. Elanil pushed herself off the grass and walked into her tree home. Her bow and arrows ready by the door for tomorrow, along with her long sword and dagger. She almost jumped up and down in a fiery glee. She would prove herself tomorrow, and she would get in.

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