Against, Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Danielle

Chapter 1

Elanil pulled the bowstring tighter and held her arm steady. With her one finger pointing forward for her aim, she let the arrow go. She let her breath out once it hit the dead centre of the bulls eye and wiped her brow. Slow clapping echoed from above her and she looked up towards the viewing platform at the Knight that stood there. His silver tunic was tucked into his dark brown breaches and his Calling-Sword was fitted perfectly into the brown leather sheath that hung around his waist. A golden head band twirled around his head of silver-grey hair and his expression was stern.

Elanil gripped her simple bow tight in her right hand and bowed low for respect. Sweat of exhaustion and nerves dripped down her neck and onto the sawdust floor of the training room. Her long, white blonde hair swung in front of her face and she resisted pulling it back. A pair of brown leather boots came in her vision and she raised her head slowly to look at the brown eyes of the Knight. He nodded to her and walked past her to inspect the arrows hit. He pulled the wooden arrow shaft out of the wooden target and checked the small hole the arrow point made. While his back was turned, Elanil quickly tied her long hair back into a bun and wiped the sweat off with the sleeve of her light green tunic and wiped her left palm on her brown trousers. Her grip on her bow loosened when she saw a nod of approval at her shot and she felt the warmth of happiness make its way from her heart to her body, sending electric tingles.

The Knight gave her the arrow back and Elanil slid it into her hip quiver quickly. He then turned around towards a wooden archway and strode through it with a signal for Elanil to follow. She ran to him and walked slightly behind him, her nerves making her stomach wriggle in anticipation. In this room was a long and wide table with a high-backed red chair. The Knight sat in that and Elanil stood opposite him at the other end of the table.

“Elanil, was it?” He asked, his voice fluent in her ears like all elves speak. Elanil gave a slight nod and watched as the Knight sorted through some papers.

“Right, your skills are excellent in archery and you are an exceptional swordsman,” his voice rung in Elanil’s ears.

“But?” She asked, wanting to know why he paused.

“But, we cannot accept you. I am sorry.” His stern face said the opposite. He didn’t care if she got in or not.

“What? Why not? As you said my skills are excellent.” She shouted, Elanil’s nerves forgotten when she heard that she was declined. She trained since she was a little elf for the League of Knights and now they tell her she can’t be in it. Why let her try out if she won’t be accepted? The Knight brought a strong hand up to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Yes, but we have certain rules we cannot bend, even for someone that is as good as a marksman as you.” He tried to convince her with a stern tone and a hand placed firmly on the papers in front of him. Elanil huffed angrily and gripped her bow tightly again.

“Fine, but what rules are you supposedly bending if you accept me?” She asked ready to leave the Castle now. The Knight paused for a second then let out a tired breath of air.

“There are no women allowed in battle, as stated by The League.” He said.

It felt as though water has just been thrown in her face from the shock and she felt the horrible feeling that tore at her heart.

“Then why let me come?” She whispered, her voice suddenly rasp and her body cold.

“We had thought you were male, we apologise sincerely.” He stood up, gave her a nod of courtesy and left through a door behind him swiftly.

Her heart ached and she slammed a fist down on the table, suddenly furious. Storming out of the room, through the training centre and down the long stone hallways of the Castle. The Knights and guards that patrolled the walls and grounds gave her odd glances but never stopped to question her. She walked across the large bridge that separated the Castle from the city of Elaéyador and brushed past all the stalls and markets calling out to her. Elves, dwarves and half-giants of all kinds brushed past her, hooking clothing onto her bow, some swearing in Zertian at her for bumping into them, others giving her apologetic smiles then scurrying off to do whatever work they had. Elanil would usually stop and apologise straight away, but now she had to do what she would have done every other day, prove them wrong. She would show them that a woman can fight in wars, can be equal strength to the males. Her head was so wound up with her unexplainable anger. Elanil rushed through the marketing stores, picking up a norm-berry from a side stall owner and quickly pressed two Silverstone coins into his open hand. The small stocky dwarf waved with a smile as he saw her run off, then turned back to his shop and stacked the remaining fruits away.

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